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China Local time: 10:59 AM

QuickTake China - Get the Expert Opinion

Need Assistance to Shape Your Market Strategy for China?

Sign up for a QuickTake and hear the opinions of our experts. This service provides U.S. companies with a counseling session via a concall. We'll then prepare a brief survey report highlighting issues and opportunities nationally, and in different regional markets.   Afterward, we provide additional counseling to help you develop a comprehensive strategy to prioritize your next steps.  This is coordinated counseling - not coordinated market research.  


China has many different regions and that each province has unique  economic and social characteristics. One should be careful not to generalize about such a large country.  QuickTake China gives you critical feedback on export potential in regional markets and major cities such as Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Shenyang.   Need to know whether any second tier cities in our network of 14 American Trading Centers can also offer export or expansion potential?  Ask for a QuickTake.

 Less Than the Cost of a Plane Ticket


For $750* – which covers the cost of coordinating  counseling and the written “expert opinions” – we offer analysis of the potential of a product or service in any of these sectors:

  • Aviation & Aerospace
  • Automotive Components
  • Construction Equipment
  • Consumer Products
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Environmental Technology
  • FoodSafety
  • Franchising
  • Healthcare Technologies
  • IT/ICT
  • Outbound Tourism
  • Rail Transportation
  • Safety & Security

* If your product or service spans several industry sectors such as IT and Safety and Security, an additional $500 for each additional sector.

It's Quick and Easy to Get Started

1) First download the QuickTake China Questionnaire (above) to sign, complete and return;

2) Then, register on-line to answer few brief questions.

3) After we receive both, we will contact you within two business days.  All the information you provide through both forms will help us prepare for a conference call with you.


4) What we'll also need to know:

a. Is your company American and does your product or service have at least 51% U.S. content?

b. Are you export-ready? 

c. Are you committed to exporting?

d. Will you agree to follow up on suggested next steps provided in a QuickTake China survey?

5) Based on all the aboce, we will determine if a QuickTake is right for you. 

6) If you agree, we will send you a Participation Agreement and request for payment. 

7) Once we start, based on an agreed upon completion schedule, our commercial specialists will then review your information, make calls to industry sources and then prepare their brief, written “expert opinions” using a structured, categorized on-line report format.  The information is similar to what they would provide verbally in a counseling session.

8) A typical QuickTake survey will include responses from as many as 6 major regional markets in China and Hong Kong.  Responses from American Trading Centers in some or more of the second tier cities shown may be added to each QuickTake survey.  A QuickTake can also inform you about cautionary or negative factors to consider.

A QuickTake Survey is Easy to Read

Download the sample pdf survey and see if a QuickTake is for you.  Each contains:

  • Advice on where and how to start or expand in China and Hong Kong;
  • Information on current demand, future demand and competition;
  • Insight on relevant Chinese regulations, standards and legislation, and
  • Suggested Next Steps;

QuickTake Includes Follow Up to Strategize

When the QuickTake survey is done, it will be sent to you directly or through the nearest International Trade Specialist at the Export Assistance Center.  Our Customer Service and industry teams will make a joint call to follow up.

We want to assist you in developing a strategy to prioritize your next steps. Our goal is to support you in your efforts on the way to success. In addition, we offer other business matchmaking services and support trade events which can be part of your marketing approach.

Can it Work for You?

Since becoming a pilot in Europe two and a half years ago, the QT coordinated counseling service has led to 91 export successes worth over $45 million.

The new QuickTake China service is modeled on the successful program used by new exporters targeting markets in 28 European nations. The difference is that QuickTake China should also be considered by companies already in the market who are seeking to expand.

Testimonial from a satisfied QT client in Europe: "All of our major goals were met. . . The success of the entire program, is a tribute to the close cooperation and support we enjoyed with the US Commercial Service, the Baltimore US Export Assistance Center, and the individual analysts and specialists with whom we have had the pleasure of working. We have been very pleased with the relationships and with the results we have enjoyed. . . Bring on those customer satisfaction surveys!!!!”

You've Got Everything to Gain

Register for Your QuickTake on China


DownloadSample QTC Report

PDF, 137KB Download

DownloadQuickTake China Questionnaire

Microsoft Word, 264KB Download