Archival Research Catalog (ARC)

Index to Record Groups in ARC

RGs 100-199

The index to Record Groups (RGs) is arranged by RG number and provides ARC Search Links into the catalog. An Index to Collections in ARC is also available. The ARC Tutorial: Hierarchy provides guidance on using the "Search Within" feature in ARC, which is available at the Record Group level.

RG 100: Records of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 1930 - 1975

RG 101: Records of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, 1863 - 2006

RG 102: Records of the Children's Bureau, 1908 - 1969

RG 103: Records of the Farm Credit Administration, 1913 - 1989

RG 104: Records of the U.S. Mint, 1792 - 2002

RG 105: Records of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1861 - 1879

RG 106: Records of the Smithsonian Institution, 1871 - 1952

RG 107: Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, 1791 - 1947

RG 108: Records of the Headquarters of the Army, 1828 - 1903

RG 109: War Department Collection of Confederate Records, 1825 - 1900

RG 110: Records of the Provost Marshal General's Bureau (Civil War), 1861 - 1889

RG 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860 - 1982

RG 112: Records of the Office of the Surgeon General (Army), 1775 - 1970

RG 113: Records of the Allied Purchasing Commission, 1914 - 1919

RG 114: Records of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1875 - 1977

RG 115: Records of the Bureau of Reclamation, 1889 - 1992

RG 116: Records of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, 1940 - 1992

RG 117: Records of the American Battle Monuments Commission, 1918 - 1969

RG 118: Records of U.S. Attorneys, 1821 - 1989

RG 119: Records of the National Youth Administration, 1934 - 1945

RG 120: Records of the American Expeditionary Forces (World War I), 1848 - 1928

RG 121: Records of the Public Buildings Service, 1801 - 1976

RG 122: Records of the Federal Trade Commission, 1903 - 1979

RG 123: Records of the U.S. Court of Claims, 1835 - 1958

RG 124: Records of the Surplus Marketing Administration, 1933 - 1943

RG 125: Records of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Navy), 1799 - 1943

RG 126: Records of the Office of Territories, 1885 - 1976

RG 127: Records of the U.S. Marine Corps, 1775 - 9999

RG 128: Records of Joint Committees of Congress, 1789 - 2006

RG 129: Records of the Bureau of Prisons, 1870 - 1981

RG 130: Records of the White House Office, 1814 - 1977

RG 131: Records of the Office of Alien Property, 1878 - 1965

RG 132: Records of the Rent Commission of the District of Columbia, 1920 - 1925

RG 133: Records of the Federal Coordinator of Transportation, 1930 - 1937

RG 134: Records of the Interstate Commerce Commission, 1887 - 1995

RG 135: Records of the Public Works Administration, 1933 - 1949

RG 136: Records of the Agricultural Marketing Service, 1887 - 1968

RG 137: Records of the Federal Supply Service, 1909 - 1979

RG 138: Records of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 1917 - 2002

RG 139: Records of the Dominican Customs Receivership, 1905 - 1941

RG 140: Records of the Military Government of Cuba, 1898 - 1903

RG 141: Records of the Military Government of Veracruz, 04/1914 - 11/1914

RG 142: Records of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 1918 - 2000

RG 143: Records of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts (Navy), 1885 - 1967

RG 144: Records of the Temporary National Economic Committee, 1938 - 1941

RG 145: Records of the Farm Service Agency, 1904 - 1978

RG 146: Records of the U.S. Civil Service Commission, 1871 - 1981

RG 147: Records of the Selective Service System, 1926 - 1971

RG 148: Records of Commissions of the Legislative Branch, 1928 - 2006

RG 149: Records of the Government Printing Office, 1847 - 2006

RG 150: Records of the National Bituminous Coal Commission, 1919 - 1936

RG 151: Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, 1904 - 1963

RG 152: Records of the Bureau of Dairy Industry, 1907 - 1956

RG 153: Records of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Army), 1792 - 1981

RG 154: Records of the War Finance Corporation, 1918 - 1939

RG 155: Records of the Wage and Hour Division, 1922 - 1975

RG 156: Records of the Office of the Chief of Ordnance, 1797 - 1968

RG 157: Records of the Maritime Labor Board, 1938 - 1942

RG 158: Records of the Capital Issues Committee, 1917 - 1919

RG 159: Records of the Office of the Inspector General (Army), 1814 - 1962

RG 160: Records of Headquarters Army Service Forces, 1939 - 1946

RG 161: Records of the Commodity Credit Corporation, 1933 - 1988

RG 162: General Records of the Federal Works Agency, 1930 - 1950

RG 163: Records of the Selective Service System (World War I), 1917 - 1939

RG 164: Records of the Cooperative State Research Service, 1888 - 1989

RG 165: Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, 1860 - 1952

RG 166: Records of the Foreign Agricultural Service, 1901 - 1976

RG 167: Records of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1830 - 1978

RG 168: Records of the National Guard Bureau, 1822 - 1963

RG 169: Records of the Foreign Economic Administration, 1939 - 1947

RG 170: Records of the Drug Enforcement Administration, 1915 - 1980

RG 171: Records of the Office of Civilian Defense, 1940 - 1945

RG 172: Records of the U.S. Commerce Court, 1911 - 1913

RG 173: Records of the Federal Communications Commission, 1875 - 2002

RG 174: General Records of the Department of Labor, 1907 - 1986

RG 175: Records of the Chemical Warfare Service, 1917 - 1963

RG 176: Records of the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics, 1904 - 1960

RG 177: Records of the Chiefs of Arms, 1878 - 1943

RG 178: Records of the U.S. Maritime Commission, 1917 - 1950

RG 179: Records of the War Production Board, 1918 - 1947

RG 180: Records of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 1886 - 2003

RG 181: Records of Naval Districts and Shore Establishments, 1784 - 1981

RG 182: Records of the War Trade Board, 1910 - 1942

RG 183: Records of the Office of Employment Security, 1907 - 1968

RG 184: Records of the Railroad Retirement Board, 1934 - 1987

RG 185: Records of the Panama Canal, 1848 - 1991

RG 186: Records of the Spanish Governors of Puerto Rico, 1767 - 1880

RG 187: Records of the National Resources Planning Board, 1931 - 1943

RG 188: Records of the Office of Price Administration, 1940 - 1949

RG 190: Records of the Bureau of War Risk Litigation, 1924 - 1946

RG 191: Records of the War Department Claims Board, 1917 - 1922

RG 192: Records of the Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence, 1818 - 1913

RG 193: Records of the Commissioner of Railroads, 1861 - 1907

RG 194: Records of the War Minerals Relief Commission, 1917 - 1941

RG 195: Records of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 1933 - 1983

RG 196: Records of the Public Housing Administration, 1932 - 1976

RG 197: Records of the Civil Aeronautics Board, 1931 - 1984

RG 198: Records of the Board of Investigation and Research-Transportation, 1940 - 1944

RG 199: Records of the Provisional Government of Cuba, 1906 - 1909

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