Remote Video Monitoring
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camera Remote Video Monitoring
About the Remote Video Monitoring System

Remote Video Monitoring (RVM) systems provide a means of automatically acquiring video data from remote locations and returning them to a central laboratory computer for processing. Since 1991, the U.S. Geological Survey's Center for Coastal Geology has been building RVM capabilities through a cooperative agreement with Oregon State University where video data acquisition and processing techniques have been under development for ten years. RVM systems provide data in the form of numeric values, called pixel intensities, which create the colors or shades of a digital video image. Results have shown that these video data can be quantified to provide valuable information in a way that would be difficult with conventional sensing methods. An RVM system is comprised of two main components, any number of field station(s) and a central laboratory computer. Video data are gathered from truly remote locations and environmental extremes by the RVM field station [30k schematic]. The core of this data acquisition system is an X86 PC equipped with an internal image processing board and a modem. An RVM field station can acquire video data from up to four video cameras into its internal image processing board. Once acquired, these data can be pre-processed and written to the PCs hard disk drive to await image retrieval. The RVM central laboratory computer [50k schematic] can be any Unix based workstation with ample on-line storage, a modem, and a real-time Internet connection if available. The laboratory computer connects with the field station over telephone lines at regular intervals to download the video data. Once the data are retrieved, the central laboratory computer provides a powerful processing platform with which to manipulate the large data sets produced by the system. A variety of software tools exist which aid in automating the system from acquisition through archiving. Additionally, the lab computer and field station(s) can be viewed as a wide area network capable of remote execution of commands, copying of files, and even e-mail. Remote login capabilities to the field station and the lab computer allow the system operator as well as the scientific community access to system data and services.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Updated: 02 October, 2000 @ 11:05 AM (THF)