NHD Forums
The NHD Forums provide a chance for members to share ideas and discuss topics
related to National History Day. First time users are required
to register and request to join a Usergroup.
To join a forum follow these instructions:
1.) To join a forum click on one of the links below.
2.) After you have click the selected forum below you will be taken to the
forum screen. When you are at the forum screen select the "Usergroups" link
near the top right of the forum home page.
3.) For the "Non-Member Groups" option, choose a group (i.e. Teachers)
from the drop-down menu and select the "View Information" button.
4.) Click the "Join Group" button to the left of "Group Membership" in
the "Group Information" area.
5.) Before you can access the Forum, the forum moderator must approve
your request for access to the group. You will receive an email when
your request has been approved. At that time, you can log into the Forum and
access the Forum area.
Click here to join the student
Click here to join the teacher forum
Click here to join the parent forum