Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Mallard The Mallard Model

Waterfowl managers face many difficult decisions about how to manage a particular area to maximize productivity of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and other upland nesting waterfowl. The Mallard Model is an MS-WINDOWS based stochastic computer model that can be used to predict the outcome of various management scenarios and aid in decision making.

The model incorporates several environmental phenomena and biological relations that affect mallard recruitment. Major events include arrival of mallards in the spring, daily survival of hens, initiation of nests, selection of nest sites, survival of nests until hatching, and survival of broods until fledging. The model was originally developed as a tool for synthesizing the results of research.

This resource is based on the following sources:

(Northern Prairie Publication 0695)

Cowardin, Lewis M., Douglas H. Johnson, Terry L. Shaffer, and Donald W. Sparling.  1988.  Applications of a simulation model to decisions in mallard management.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fish and Wildlife Technical Report 17.  28pp.

(Northern Prairie Publication 0682)

Johnson, Douglas H., Donald W. Sparling, and Lewis M. Cowardin.  1987.  A model of the productivity of the mallard duck.  Ecological Modelling, International Journal on Ecological Modelling and Engineering and Systems Ecology.  38:257-275.

(Northern Prairie Publication 0651)

Johnson, Douglas H., Lewis M. Cowardin, and Donald W. Sparling.  1986.  Evaluation of a mallard productivity model.  Pages 23-29 in J. Verner, M. L. Morrison and C. J. Ralph, eds.  Wildlife 2000: Modeling habitat relationships of terrestrial vertebrates.  University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.  470pp.

This resource should be cited as:

Johnson, Douglas H., Terry L. Shaffer, Lewis M. Cowardin, and Donald W. Sparling.  1995.  The mallard model.  Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online. (Version 16JUL97).

Downloading Instructions -- Instructions on downloading and extracting files from this site.
(Download) (4.6M) -- The Mallard Model
Installation: Extract the Setup.exe file from and double click to install the Mallard Model using the Wise Installation Wizard.
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