image of a flooded house

The HMRG group is engaged in efforts to deploy multisensor precipitation algorithms that can be used for monitoring and prediction of flash floods and debris flows, and for agricultural and water resources management, worldwide.

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Past Hydrometeorology Research Group (HMRG) Projects

Calibration of satellite

QPESUMS: Schematic showing how infrared satellite data are calibrated by radar rainfall rates in real time.

Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and Segregation Using Multiple Sensors (QPESUMS)

QPESUMS was the predecessor to NMQ.  The goal of Project QPESUMS was to research, develop, and deploy multisensor precipitation algorithms that are adaptable to different types of weather for flash flood, river flood, agricultural, and water resources management applications worldwide. Originally prototyped for use in the mountainous terrain of the southwest US, QPESUMS uses a unique blend of WSR-88D radar data, TDWR radar data, private sector C-band radar data, satellite imagery, lightning strikes, rain gauge data, surface and upper air observations, and numerical model output to estimate precipitation types and rates on a 1x1 km grid, every 5 minutes. (more)

High Resolution Convection Climatology

In the western US, mountainous regions act as focal points for convective initiation. This study focuses on the role terrain plays in producing convection over central Arizona during annual rainfall (Jurwitz 1953) during the monsoon season, and these storms generally produce flooding, severe weather, and lightning. Hence, a better knowledge of areas favorable and unfavorable for development, and the associated synoptic conditions would be useful for forecasters and weather-sensitive operations (utilities, fire managers, farmers, etc.). In order to improve the resolution of Arizona's convective climatology and our understanding of terrain forcing, this study uses high-resolution (1 km) reflectivity mosaics and terrain data to analyze the diurnal cycle of convection in central Arizona for the 1995-1999 monsoon seasons. This study also addresses the hypothesis that certain synoptic regimes regulate the location of convective 'hot spots.' (more)

Glidersonde logo


Radiosonde* observations are a vital component of our atmospheric observations system. They provide most of the data used for atmospheric analysis at all levels other than the surface. The data normally includes pressure, temperature, humidity, latitude and longitude. The usual method of employment is to launch the radiosonde attached to a helium balloon, then receive data via radio transmission until the balloon bursts or drifts out of range. Once the balloon bursts, the small (0.3 kg) instrument package falls to Earth. The instrument package is considered expendable, and is not usually recovered because the cost of recovery generally exceeds the cost of the package itself.

While radiosonde packages are considered expendable, the cost is certainly not negligible. With the recent shift from LORAN to GPS navigation technology, the cost for one instrument package has nearly doubled. The goal of the Glidersonde project is to substantially reduce the cost of atmospheric sampling by developing a cost effective method for recovery of the sondes. This would allow better atmospheric sampling at the current cost, and expand the capability of collecting high resolution atmospheric and air chemistry measurements for climate and weather research and operations. (more)

Investigation of Lightning in the Four Corners Region

Kaney, Howard, Maddox and Langston (more)

Areal Mean Basin Estimated Rainfall (AMBER)

The AMBER (Areal Mean Basin Estimated Rainfall) algorithm uses WSR-88D radar data to monitor the amount of precipitation that falls into a watershed or basin and alerts the forecaster to a potential flash flood situation.  AMBER was implemented into the NWS's AWIPS (Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System) in 2001.  Automated and streamlined methods were developed to delineate the basins to be used by each NWSFO in the U.S.  (NSSL Briefings Winter/Spring 2000)

Inland Flooding Observation and Warning (I-FLOW)

The Inland Flooding Observation and Warning (IFLOW) Project worked with North Carolina State University (NCSU) and was focused on the Tar-Pamlico River Basin in North Carolina.  I-Flow was a precursor to CI-FLOW.

Southwest Area Monsoon Project (SWAMP)

The 1993 SWAMP project marked the first cooperative venture between NSSL and private industry, the Salt River Project. Since then it has evolved into a series of meteorological field studies and experimental forecasting exercises focused on the operational needs of the SRP. SWAMP has two objectives. First, NSSL and the Salt River Project will continue their collaboration to use and evaluate WSR-88D products in power dispatch, transmission operations and water diversion operations at SRP. Second, NSSL and the National Weather Service will continue to evaluate the utility of NSSL-developed experimental radar algorithms in the desert environment of Phoenix. The project has three ongoing major scientific study targets: central Arizona thunderstorm environments, monsoon structures and moisture fluxes, and Mexican convective systems.


CIMMS scientist J.J. Gourley spent a year in France to help Meteo-France evaluate the improvements to quantitative precipitation estimation and hydrometeor particle identification afforded by a C-band dual-polarization radar.  A project called PANTHERE (Programme ARAMIS Nouvelle Technologie Hydromet Extension et REnouvellement - translated to "new program for the extension and renewal of new hydrometeorological technology") aimed to extend and upgrade the French weather radar network.  In exchange for NSSL's expertise, NSSL's radar group used the information from France in their current project to determine the quality of polarization diverse measurements at C-band through a working relationship with the private sector and other countries.  (NSSL Briefings Spring 2005).

Results included the correction of biases due to attenuation, near-radome interference, and calibration.  A fuzzy logic algorithm was put to use to identify and remove echoes from non-precipitation targets, and it was shown that polarimetric signatures do exist to discriminate rain, hail, snow, graupel, ice, etc.  The team also developed a polarimetric method for correcting attenuation at C-band, and worked with calibration of absolute reflectivity at C-band using redundancy of the polarization parameters in rain.

Taiwan's Hydrometeorological Support System (2002-2005)

NSSL and NOAA's Forecast Systems Laboratory (now ESRL) collaborated with the Central Weather Bureau and Water Resources Agency of Taiwan to develop a Hydrometeorological Decision Support System (HDSS) for Taiwan.  The two agencies were working to improve the country's capabilities to issue flash flood and flood warnings and improve river and reservoir water management.  NSSL was able to help the Taiwanese agencies establish the infrastructure for real-time radar, rain gage, model and sounding ingest, complete basic infrastructure and configuration of the HDSS for Taiwan, initial deployment of the HDSS with a Web-based product display system, and generate a suite of radar analysis and quantitative precipitation estimation products in real-time.