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Chuck Ludlam
Staff of Senators James Abourezk and Joseph Lieberman.

This oral history with Charles E. (Chuck) Ludlam covers his public service career, from his first summer internship on the Hill with the Standford in Government Program in 1965, through his retirement in 2005. Ludlam discusses his work on a wide variety of legislation and issues including the creation of the Office of Senate Legal Counsel in 1978. He recounts some colorful tales, and provides background on Senators Jim Abourezk, Phillip Hart, Robert Byrd, Jim Allen, Dale Bumpers, and Joseph Lieberman; Congressmen Burt Talcott, Glen Lipscomb, and Gillis Long, and Senate Parliamentarian Murray Zweben. This history highlights the crucial role of dozens of senior Capitol Hill staff. The oral history provides insights into the lifestyle, skills, and tactics of a senior Capitol Hill staffer who has fought in the political trenches over a forty-year period.

Table of Contents:
1) The Senate Legal Counsel
2) Hart-Scott-Rodino
3) The Embryonic Stem Cell Fight
4) On the Staff of Senator Lieberman
Chuck Ludlam
Citation:  Scholarly citation: "Chuck Ludlam: Counsel to the Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Subcommittee on Separation of Powers, Senate Judiciary Committee (1975-1979), Legal Counsel to the Joint Economic Committee (1982-1985), Chief Tax Counsel to the Senate Small Business Committee (1985-1993), Counsel to Senator Joseph Lieberman (2001-2005),” Oral History Interviews, December 2, 10, 2003 and October 18, 20, 2004, Senate Historical Office, Washington, D.C.
Deed of Gift:  I, Charles E. Ludlam, do hereby give to the Senate Historical Office the tape recordings and transcripts of my interviews between December 2, 2003 and October 20, 2004. It is my desire that these transcripts remain sealed until my retirement from the Senate, approximately mid-June, 2005 - I will provide the office with written notice of the actual date - unless I otherwise permit them to be opened earlier. After that date, I authorize the Senate Historical Office to use the tapes and edited transcripts in such a manner as may best serve the educational and historical objectives of their oral history program. I also approve the deposit of the transcripts at the Library of Congress, the National Archives, the Senate Library, and any other institution which the Senate Historical Office may deem appropriate. In making this gift, I voluntarily convey ownership of the tapes and edited transcripts to the public domain. Charles E. Ludlam, November 24, 2004. Accepted on behalf of the Senate Historical Office by: Richard A. Baker December 7, 2004.

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