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Ethnic Diversity in the Senate

Photograph of Senator Hiram Revels
Hiram Revels (R-MS)

African Americans:

Hiram R. Revels (R-Mississippi), 1870-71

Blanche K. Bruce (R-Mississippi), 1875-1881

Edward W. Brooke (R-Massachusetts), 1967-1979

Carol Moseley-Braun (D-Illinois), 1993-1999

Barack Obama (D-Illinois), 2005-2008

Roland Burris (D-Illinois), 2009--


Asian Americans:

Hiram L. Fong (R-Hawaii), 1959-1977

Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii), 1963-

Samuel I. Hayakawa (R-California), 1977-1983

Spark M. Matsunaga (D-Hawaii), 1977-1990

Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii), 1990-


Hispanic Americans:

Octaviano Larrazolo (R-New Mexico), 1928-29

Dennis Chavez (D-New Mexico), 1935-1962

Joseph M. Montoya (D-New Mexico), 1964-77

Ken L. Salazar (D-Colorado), 2005-2009

Melquiades R. Martinez (R-Florida), 2005-

Robert Menendez (D-New Jersey), 2006-


Native American Indian:

Charles Curtis (R-Kansas), 1907-13; 1915-29 (Kaw)

Robert Owen (D-Oklahoma), 1907-1925 (Cherokee)

Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colorado), 1993-2005 (Northern Cheyenne)



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