U.S. Condemns Coup d'Etat in Madagascar and Suspends Non-Humanitarian Assistance

Robert Wood
Acting Department Spokesman,  Office of the Spokesman
Bureau of Public Affairs
Washington, DC
March 20, 2009

The United States condemns the process through which Marc Ravalomanana was forced to resign as President of the Republic of Madagascar and Andry Rajoelina subsequently was installed as the de facto head of state as undemocratic and contrary to the rule of law.

This series of events is tantamount to a coup d’etat and the United States will not maintain our current assistance partnership with Madagascar.

In view of these developments, the United States is moving to suspend all non-humanitarian assistance to Madagascar.

The United States has enjoyed a long-standing relationship with the people of Madagascar, and we call on them to immediately undertake a democratic, consensual process to restore constitutional governance, culminating in free, fair and peaceful elections.

PRN: 245