U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Department of Commerce News

                          FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
                         THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 2001

Public Information Office                                     CB01-CN.55   
301-457-3030/301-457-3670 (fax)
301-457-1037 (TDD)

Redistricting Data Office
Marshall Turner and Cathy McCully
301-763-0253 or 0254

          Census Bureau Delivers Wisconsin's Census 2000 Population
       Totals for Legislative Redistricting; First Race and Hispanic Data
  The U.S. Census Bureau today delivered to Acting Gov. Scott McCallum and
the majority and minority leaders of the state legislature the official
Census 2000 Redistricting Data Summary File for Wisconsin that, under
Public Law 94-171, could be used to redraw federal, state and local
legislative districts.

  The census data allow state officials to realign congressional and state
legislative districts in their states, taking into account population
shifts since the last census (in 1990) and assuring equal representation
for their constituents in compliance with the "one-person, one-vote"
principle of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. These data also are the first
population counts for small areas and the first race and Hispanic-origin
data from Census 2000.
  The redistricting file consists of four detailed tables: the first shows
the population for each of 63 single and multiple race categories; the
second shows the total Hispanic or Latino population and the population
not of Hispanic or Latino origin cross-tabulated by the 63 race
categories. These tabulations are repeated in the third and fourth tables
for the population 18 years and over. The data are for the resident
population of the United States. (To access the detailed data, go to

  The redistricting data were not adjusted to reflect estimates of census
coverage error measured in a nationwide, post-census survey of about
314,000 housing units called the Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation (A.C.E.)

  By April 1, all 50 states and the District of Columbia will receive
these data for the following areas: state, current congressional districts
(for 106th Congress), counties, minor civil divisions, places, census
tracts, block groups and blocks, and, if applicable, American Indian and
Alaska Native areas and Hawaiian home lands. States that participated in
the Census Bureau's voluntary Voting District Project also will receive
these data for the voting districts and any state legislative districts
whose boundaries they provided.

Race and Hispanic Data

  As the result of revised standards for collecting data on race and
ethnicity issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in 1997 (see
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/fedreg/ombdir15.html), Census 2000 was 
the first national census in which the instructions for respondents
said,"Mark one or more races."
  Respondents who reported only one race are shown in six groups: the five
groups identified in the OMB standard (White; Black or African American;
American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; and Native Hawaiian or Other
Pacific Islander) and a "Some other race" category. (In 1990, Asian and
Pacific Islander was a single OMB race group.)
  Respondents who selected more than one of the six race groups are
included in the "Two or more races" population. There are more than 50
possible combinations of the six race groups.

  The Census Bureau included the "Some other race" category for responses
that could not be classified in any of the race categories on the
questionnaire. The vast majority of people who reported as "Some other
race" were Hispanic or Latino. Data on Hispanics or Latinos, who may be of
any race, were obtained from a separate question on ethnicity.

How to Find Assistance

  Additional information about the redistricting program, including news
releases for other states, may be found on the Internet at
<http://www.census.gov/clo/www/redistricting.html>. Besides
being able to access the detailed tables on the Internet, users may also
purchase them from the Census Bureau on CD-ROM and later on DVD. (The six
custom tables attached to this news release are available only as part of
the state news releases.)

  For further information about Wisconsin's Census 2000 redistricting
data, contact:
     Customer Services Center, U.S. Census Bureau, 301-763-INFO(4636); e-mail:
     Redistricting Data Office, U.S. Census Bureau, 301-763-0253 or 0254;
     Census Bureau Regional Office, Chicago, 312-353-9747; e-mail:
     Wisconsin State Data Center, 608-266-1927; e-mail:

Description of Six Custom Tables
   As shown in the first of six custom tables attached to this news
release (Table 1), the population who reported one race added to the
population who reported two or more races equals the total population. All
combinations of two races are shown separately in Table 2. Three examples
of combinations are: White and Black or African American, White and Asian,
and Black or African American and Asian.

  Table 3 shows the total number of people who selected a particular race
group whether or not they reported any other race. For example, the Asian
"alone or in combination" population consists of respondents who reported
as Asian alone or as Asian in combination with any of the other five race
groups. The same approach applies to each of the other five race groups.

  People who reported more than one race are included in more than one of
the groups. For example, respondents who indicated White and Black or
African American are included both in the White alone or in combination
population and in the Black or African American alone or in combination
population. Therefore, the total of these six groups adds to more than the
total population because some individuals reported more than one race.

Comparisons with 1990

  While allowing respondents to report more than one race adds to our
knowledge about the racial diversity of the United States, it also means
that data on race from Census 2000 are not directly comparable with data
from 1990 and previous censuses (Table 4). Other factors also affect
comparability of 1990 and 2000 data on race. For example, in Census 2000,
the question on Hispanic or Latino origin was placed before the question
on race, but in 1990 the order of these questions was reversed. This may
have affected reporting on both questions.

  Factors such as changes in question wording or format, improvements in
the way the Census Bureau counted people and better methods to process
information also could affect comparability. More information about
concepts underlying Census 2000 data on race and Hispanic or Latino origin
will be made available in a Census 2000 brief scheduled for release in

  In addition to the four custom tables showing data by race and Hispanic
or Latino origin for the state, this news release includes two tables
showing data for selected counties and places in Wisconsin. Table 5 shows
data by race and Hispanic or Latino origin for 2000. Table 6 shows the
total population for 1990 and 2000, as well as the change in population
from 1990 to 2000.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Public Information Office
(301) 763-3030

Last Revised: July 27, 2001 at 01:01:44 PM

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