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Homeland Security Information Network - Intelligence

Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN)-Intelligence facilitates the sharing, dissemination and notification of key Sensitive But Unclassified intelligence information between federal, state, local and tribal stakeholders supporting the Department of Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A). HSIN-Intelligence was established to support the critical intelligence information sharing needs of the Department and its partners.

The HSIN-Intelligence collaboration environment supports the unique requirements of 10,000 users. It utilizes two-factor authentication for the approved protection of personally identifiable information within specific collaboration areas and leverages solid vetting and user management optimized to support both automated and manual business processes.

Consisting of 13 core collaboration tools that have been tailored to the needs of the stakeholder community, the portal-based collaboration platform provides access via an extranet connection. Each tool incorporates rigorous security disciplines such as compartmentalization, need to know management, and granular logging and audit features.

HSIN–Intelligence provides value to critical stakeholders by fusing comprehensive security and collaboration technologies with appropriate governance to ensure the proper protection of sensitive intelligence and privacy-related information in support of relevant federal laws and policies, as well as laws and policies of participating agencies.

HSIN-Intelligence Stakeholders

The first Department of Homeland Security I&A-sponsored community to fully utilize the HSIN-Intelligence portal is the Homeland Security State & Local Intelligence Community of Interest (HS SLIC). This structured, charter-governed community of intelligence analysts at the federal, state & local level is utilizing the security capabilities of the system to gain access to a restricted virtual work area that is protected by two-factor authentication and facilitates collaboration.

The HS SLIC is using the portal to:

  • Foster information exchange of raw intelligence to support stakeholder intelligence missions,
  • Hold online meetings; and,
  • Conduct near real-time collaboration activities via chat, threaded discussions and secure messaging.

This page was last reviewed/modified on February 10, 2009.