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Current National Threat Level is elevated

The threat level in the airline sector is High or Orange. Read more.

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Science and Technology Organization

About the Directorate >> Organization


  • The Director of Research Portfolio addresses long-term research needs in support of the Department of Homeland Security mission areas that will provide the nation with an enduring capability in homeland security. Within the Research Portfolio are the Office of National Labs, the Office of University Programs, and the Program Executive Office – Counter Improvised Explosives Devices.
  • The Director of Innovation Portfolio supports a key goal of putting advanced capabilities into the hands of our customers as soon as possible. Innovation oversees the Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA), focusing on homeland security research and development that could lead to significant technology breakthroughs and greatly enhance departmental operations. Within the Innovation Portfolio is the Small Business Innovation Research Office and Homeworks.
  • The Director of Transition Portfolio focuses on delivering capabilities that Department components and first responders can rely on to meet their operational needs.  Within the Transition Portfolio is the Commercialization Office, Tech Clearinghouse and the Safety Act Office.


  • The Borders and Maritime Security Division develops and transitions tools and technologies that improve the security of our nation's borders and waterways, without impeding the flow of commerce and travelers.
  • The Chemical and Biological Division works to increase the nation's preparedness against chemical and biological threats through improved threat awareness, advanced surveillance and detection, and protective countermeasures.
  • The Command, Control, and Interoperability Division develops interoperable communication standards and protocols for emergency responders, cyber security tools for protecting the integrity of the Internet, and automated capabilities to recognize and analyze potential threats.
  • The Explosives Division develops the technical capabilities to detect, interdict, and lessen the impacts of non-nuclear explosives used in terrorist attacks against mass transit, civil aviation, and critical infrastructure.
  • The Human Factors Behavioral Sciences Division applies the social and behavioral sciences to improve detection, analysis, and understanding and response to homeland security threats.
  • The Infrastructure and Geophysical Division focuses on identifying and mitigating the vulnerabilities of the 17 critical infrastructure and key assets that keep our society and economy functioning.


  • Associate General Counsel
  • Business Operations, Services & Human Capital
  • Corporate Communications
  • Homeland Security Institute. The Homeland Security Institute is the Department's first government "think tank", or Federally Funded Research and Development Center
  • Interagency Programs
  • International Programs
  • Operations Analysis
  • Privacy
  • Strategy, Policy & Budget
  • Special Programs
  • Test & Evaluation and Standards. The Test Evaluation & Standards program provides technical support and coordination to assist the nation's emergency responders in the acquisition of safe, reliable, and effective equipment, procedures, and mitigation processes.

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This page was last reviewed/modified on April 23, 2009.