White House Releases

-04/23/09   Remarks by the President at the Holocaust Days of Remembrance Ceremony
-04/07/09   Remarks of President Barack Obama at Student Roundtable in Istanbul
-04/06/09   Joint Press Availability With President Obama and President Gul of Turkey
-04/06/09   Remarks by President Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan After Meeting
-04/06/09   Remarks by President Obama to the Turkish Parliament
-04/05/09   Readout of President Obama's Meeting With President Klaus and Prime Minister Topolanek of the Czech Republic
-04/05/09   Remarks by President Barack Obama Before Meeting With President Klaus and Prime Minister Topolanek of the Czech Republic
-04/05/09   Remarks by President Barack Obama in Prague
-04/05/09   Remarks by President Obama Before Meeting With President Jose Barroso of the European Commission
-04/05/09   Remarks by President Obama Before Meeting With President Kacaynski and Prime Minister Tusk of Poland
-04/05/09   Remarks by President Obama Before Meeting With President Zapatero of Spain
-04/05/09   Statement by the President on North Korea's Missile Launch from Prague, Czech Republic
-04/05/09   United States-European Council Joint Statement on the North Korean Launch
-04/05/09   White House Press Gaggle by to the Travel Pool at Prague Castle
-04/05/09   White House Press Gaggle to the Travel Pool at the Prague Congress Center
-04/04/09   60th Anniversary NATO Summit Celebration
-04/04/09   News Conference on NATO by President Obama
-04/04/09   Remarks by President Obama and Prime Minister Karmanlis of Greece After Meeting
-04/04/09   Remarks by President Obama at Meeting of North Atlantic Council
-04/04/09   White House Press Gaggle En Route Prague, Czech Republic
-04/03/09   Remarks at Town Hall in Strasbourg, France
-04/03/09   White House Press Gaggle En Route Strasbourg, France
-04/02/09   Press Conference on G-20 Summit
-04/01/09   Background Readout on President Obama's Meeting With Russian President Medvedev
-04/01/09   Background Readout to the Travel Pool on President Obama's Meeting With Russian President Medvedev
-04/01/09   Joint Press Availability With President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Gordon Brown
-04/01/09   Joint Statement Regarding Negotiations on Further Reductions in Strategic Offensive Arms
-04/01/09   Joint Statement by President Dmitriy Medvedev of the Russian Federation and President Barack Obama of the United States of America
-04/01/09   Remarks by President Obama and Russian President Medvedev After Meeting
-03/31/09   White House Press Gaggle En Route London, England
-03/28/09   White House Press Briefing on the Agenda for the G20 Summit, NATO Summit, and EU Summit