March 31, 2008 2007 TIGER/Line(R) Shapefiles HOW WERE THESE FILES CREATED? The 2007 TIGER/Line Shapefiles are extracts containing selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database. The MAF/TIGER database was developed at the Census Bureau to support a variety of geographic programs and operations including functions such as mapping, geocoding, and geographic reference files that are used in decennial and economic censuses and sample survey programs. Spatial data for geographic features such as roads, railroads, rivers, and lakes, as well as legal and statistical geographic areas are included in the product. Other information about these features, such as the name, the type of feature, address ranges, and the geographic relationship to other features, also are included. The TIGER/Line Shapefiles and associated relationship files are offered in a compressed format. One zipped file is available for each layer; it has a file extension of .zip. Each zipped shapefile consists of the following five files: .shp - the file that stores the feature geometry .shx - the file that stores the index of the feature geometry .dbf - the dBASE, or database, file that stores attribute information .prj - the file that stores the coordinate system information .shp.xml - the file that stores the metadata Each zipped relationship file consists of the following two files: .dbf - the dBASE, or database, file that stores additional attribute information .dbf.xml - the file that stores the metadata FILE NAMING CONVENTIONS The name of each file is: fe_2007__. fe = internal US Census Bureau use 2007 = the version of the files = entity ID code, variable length The entity ID code identifies the geographic extent by specific entity for which the file contains data. It is of variable length depending on the type of file: Nation-based: 2-characters, “us” State-based: 2-digit numeric state FIPS code County-based: 5-digit numeric state-county FIPS code American Indian area-based: 4-digit American Indian area census code = layer tag, variable length The layer tag specifies the type of geography or feature the file contains. If ‘00’ appears at the end of the layer tag, the file contains Census 2000 geography. If ‘00’ does not appear, the file contains current geography. = the file extension Examples: Nation-based shapefile: Current New England City and Town Area (NECTA) shapefile fe_2007_us_necta.shp State-based shapefile: Census 2000 County and Equivalent shapefile for Maryland fe_2007_24_county00.shp County-based shapefile: Current Block shapefile for Worcester County, MA fe_2007_25027_tabblock.shp County-based shapefile: Point Landmark shapefile for Hughes County, OK fe_2007_40063_pointlm.shp American Indian Area-based Shapefile: Census 2000 American Indian Tribal Subdivision shapefile for Bois Forte Reservation fe_2007_0335_aitsaia00.shp WHAT IS IN THE FILES? The following is the list of files included in the 2007 TIGER/Line(R) Shapefiles and relationship files: Nation-Based Shapefiles Current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area (AIANNH) Shapefile Census 2000 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area (AIANNH) Shapefile Current American Indian Tribal Subdivision (AITS) National Shapefile Census 2000 American Indian Tribal Subdivision (AITS) National Shapefile Current Combined New England City and Town Area (CNECTA) Shapefile Current Combined Statistical Area (CSA) Shapefile Current Metropolitan Division Shapefile Current Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area (CBSA) Shapefile Current New England City and Town Area (NECTA) Shapefile Current New England City and Town Area (NECTA) Division Shapefile Current State and Equivalent Shapefile Census 2000 State and Equivalent Shapefile Census 2000 3-Digit ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA3) Shapefile Census 2000 5-Digit ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA5) Shapefile State-Based Shapefiles Current Alaska Native Regional Corporation (ANRC) Shapefile Census 2000 Alaska Native Regional Corporation (ANRC) Shapefile Current (110th) Congressional District Shapefile 108th Congressional District Shapefile 106th Congressional District Shapefile Current Consolidated City Shapefile Census 2000 Consolidated City Shapefile Current County and Equivalent Shapefile Census 2000 County and Equivalent Shapefile Current Place Shapefile Census 2000 Place Shapefile Census 2000 1-Percent Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA1) Shapefile Census 2000 5- or 10-Percent Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA5) Shapefile Current Elementary School District Shapefile Census 2000 Elementary School District Shapefile Current Secondary School District Shapefile Census 2000 Secondary School District Shapefile Current Unified School District Shapefile Census 2000 Unified School District Shapefile Current State Legislative District Lower Chamber (SLDL) Shapefile Census 2000 State Legislative District Lower Chamber (SLDL) Shapefile Current State Legislative District Upper Chamber (SLDU) Shapefile Census 2000 State Legislative District Upper Chamber (SLDU) Shapefile Census 2000 Urban Growth Area (UGA) Shapefile County-Based Shapefiles All Lines Shapefile Area Hydrography Shapefile Area Landmark Shapefile Point Landmark Shapefile Current Block Shapefile Census 2000 Block Shapefile Census 2000 Block Group Shapefile Census 2000 Census Tract Shapefile Current County Subdivision Shapefile Census 2000 County Subdivision Shapefile Current Subbarrio Shapefile Census 2000 Subbarrio Shapefile Census 2000 Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) Shapefile Census 2000 Voting District (VTD) Shapefile County-Based Relationship Files Address Range-Feature Name Relationship File Address Ranges Relationship File Feature Names Relationship File Topological Faces (2-cells With All Geocodes) Relationship File Topological Faces-Area Hydrography Relationship File Topological Faces-Area Landmark Relationship File American Indian Area-Based Shapefiles Current American Indian Tribal Subdivision (AITS) AIA-based Shapefile Census 2000 American Indian Tribal Subdivision (AITS) AIA-based Shapefile Nation-Based Shapefiles Current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area (AIANNH) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_us_aiannh.shp The shapefile is nation-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description AIANNHCE 4 String Current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area census code AIANNHNS 8 String Current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area ANSI code AIANNHID 5 String Current nation-based American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area reservation/statistical area or trust land; a concatenation of current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area code and American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area reservation/statistical area or off-reservation trust land indicator NAME 100 String Current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area name NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area COMPTYP 1 String Current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area reservation/statistical area or off-reservation trust land indicator CLASSFP 2 String Current FIPS 55 class code AIANNHR 1 String Current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area federal/state recognition flag MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area (AIANNH) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_us_aiannh00.shp The shapefile is nation-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description AIANNHCE00 4 String Census 2000 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area census code AIANNHID00 5 String Census 2000 nation-based American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area reservation/statistical area or trust land; a concatenation of Census 2000 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area census code and reservation/statistical area or off-reservation trust land indicator NAME00 100 String Census 2000 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area name NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area CLASSFP00 2 String Census 2000 FIPS 55 class code COMPTYP00 1 String Census 2000 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area reservation/statistical area or off-reservation trust land indicator. AIANNHR00 1 String Census 2000 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area federal/state recognition flag MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Current American Indian Tribal Subdivision (AITS) National Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_us_aitsn.shp The shapefile is nation-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description AIANNHCE 4 String Current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Areas code TRSUBCE 3 String Current tribal subdivision code TRSUBNS 8 String Current American Indian Tribal Subdivision ANSI code TRSUBID 7 String Current nation-based tribal subdivision code: a concatenation of current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian area code and tribal subdivision code NAME 100 String Current American Indian Tribal Subdivision name NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for American Indian Tribal Subdivision LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for American Indian Tribal Subdivision CLASSFP 2 String Current FIPS 55 class code MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 American Indian Tribal Subdivision (AITS) National Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_us_aitsn00.shp The shapefile is nation-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description AIANNHCE00 4 String Census 2000 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area code TRSUBCE00 3 String Census 2000 tribal subdivision code TRSUBID00 7 String Census 2000 nation-based tribal subdivision code; a concatenation of Census 2000 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area code and tribal subdivision code NAME00 100 String Census 2000 American Indian Tribal Subdivision name NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for American Indian Tribal Subdivision LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for American Indian Tribal Subdivision CLASSFP00 2 String Census 2000 FIPS 55 class code MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Current Combined New England City and Town Area (CNECTA) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_us_cnecta.shp The shapefile is nation-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description CNECTAFP 3 String Current Combined New England City and Town Area FIPS code NAME 100 String Current Combined New England City and Town Area name NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for Combined New England City and Town Area LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for Combined New England City and Town Area MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Current Combined Statistical Area (CSA) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_us_csa.shp The shapefile is nation-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description CSAFP 3 String Current Combined Statistical Area FIPS code NAME 100 String Current Combined Statistical Area name NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for Combined Statistical Area LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for Combined Statistical Area MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Current Metropolitan Division Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_us_metdiv.shp The shapefile is nation-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description CSAFP 3 String Current Combined Statistical Area FIPS code CBSAFP 5 String Current Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area FIPS code METDIVFP 5 String Current Metropolitan Division FIPS code NAME 100 String Current Metropolitan Division name NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for Metropolitan Division LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for Metropolitan Division MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Current Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area (CBSA) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_us_cbsa.shp The shapefile is nation-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description CSAFP 3 String Current Combined Statistical Area FIPS code CBSAFP 5 String Current Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area FIPS code NAME 100 String Current Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area name NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area MEMI 1 String Current metropolitan/micropolitan status indicator MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Current New England City and Town Area (NECTA) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_us_necta.shp The shapefile is nation-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description CNECTAFP 3 String Current Combined New England City and Town Area FIPS code, if applicable NECTAFP 5 String Current New England City and Town Area FIPS code NAME 100 String Current New England City and Town Area name NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for New England City and Town Area LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for New England City and Town Area NMEMI 1 String Current New England City and Town Area metropolitan/micropolitan status indicator MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Current New England City and Town Area (NECTA) Division Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_us_nectadiv.shp The shapefile is nation-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description CNECTAFP 3 String Current Combined New England City and Town Area FIPS code. NECTAFP 5 String Current New England City and Town Area FIPS code NCTADVFP 5 String Current New England City and Town Area Division FIPS code NAME 100 String Current New England City and Town Area Division name NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for New England City and Town Area Division LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for New England City and Town Area Division MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Current State and Equivalent Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_us_state.shp The shapefile is nation-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code STATENS 8 String Current state ANSI code STUSPS 2 String Current United States Postal Service state abbreviation NAME 100 String Current state name LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for state MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code UR 1 String Current urban/rural indicator FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 State and Equivalent Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_us_state00.shp The shapefile is nation-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code STUSPS00 2 String Census 2000 United States Postal Service state abbreviation NAME00 100 String Census 2000 state name LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for state MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code UR00 1 String Census 2000 urban/rural indicator FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Census 2000 3-Digit ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA3) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_us_zcta300.shp The shapefile is nation-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description ZCTA3CE00 3 String Census 2000 3-digit ZIP Code Tabulation Area code CLASSFP00 2 String Census 2000 FIPS 55 class code MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Census 2000 5-Digit ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA5) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_us_zcta500.shp The shapefile is nation-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description ZCTA5CE00 5 String Census 2000 5-digit ZIP Code Tabulation Area code CLASSFP00 2 String Census 2000 FIPS 55 class code MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status State-Based Shapefiles Current Alaska Native Regional Corporation (ANRC) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_02_anrc.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code ANRCFP 5 String Current Alaska Native Regional Corporation FIPS code ANRCNS 8 String Current Alaska Native Regional Corporation ANSI code NAME 100 String Current Alaska Native Regional Corporation name NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for Alaska Native Regional Corporation LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for Alaska Native Regional Corporation CLASSFP 2 String Current FIPS 55 class code MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 Alaska Native Regional Corporation (ANRC) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_02_anrc00.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code ANRCFP00 5 String Census 2000 Alaska Native Regional Corporation FIPS code NAME00 100 String Census 2000 Alaska Native Regional Corporation name NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for Alaska Native Regional Corporation LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for Alaska Native Regional Corporation CLASSFP00 2 String Census 2000 FIPS 55 class code MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Current (110th) Congressional District Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__cd110.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code STATENS 8 String Current state ANSI code CDFP 2 String Current congressional district code CDIDFP 7 String Current congressional district identifier; a concatenation of current state FIPS code, congressional session code, and congressional district code NAMELSAD 100 String Current translated legal/statistical area description code and congressional district code LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for congressional district CDSESSN 3 String Current congressional session code MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status 108th Congressional District Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__cd108.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code CD108FP 2 String 108th congressional district code CD108IDFP 7 String 108th congressional district identifier; a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code, the 108th congressional session code, and the 108th congressional district code NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 translated legal/statistical area description code and congressional district code LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for congressional district CDSESSN 3 String 108th congressional session code MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status 106th Congressional District Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__cd106.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code CD106FP 2 String 106th congressional district code CD106IDFP 7 String 106th congressional district identifier; a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code, the 106th congressional session code, and the 106th congressional district code NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 translated legal/statistical area description code and congressional district code LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for congressional district CDSESSN 3 String 106th congressional session code MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Current Consolidated City Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__concity.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code CONCTYFP 5 String Current consolidated area FIPS 55 code CONCTYNS 8 String Current consolidated city ANSI code CCTYIDFP 7 String Current consolidated city identifier; a concatenation of current state FIPS code and consolidated area FIPS 55 code NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for consolidated city LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for consolidated city CLASSFP 2 String Current FIPS 55 class code MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code UR 1 String Current urban/rural indicator FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 Consolidated City Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__concity00.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code CONCTYFP00 5 String Census 2000 consolidated area FIPS 55 code CCTYIDFP00 7 String Census 2000 consolidated city identifier; a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code and consolidated area FIPS 55 code NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for consolidated city LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for consolidated city CLASSFP00 2 String Census 2000 FIPS 55 class code CPI00 1 String Census 2000 urban area central place indicator MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code UR00 1 String Census 2000 urban/rural indicator FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Current County and Equivalent Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__county.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code COUNTYFP 3 String Current county FIPS code COUNTYNS 8 String Current county ANSI code CNTYIDFP 5 String Current county identifier; a concatenation of current state FIPS code and county FIPS code NAME 100 String Current county name NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for county LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for county CLASSFP 2 String Current FIPS 55 class code MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code UR 1 String Current urban/rural indicator FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 County and Equivalent Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__county00.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code COUNTYFP00 3 String Census 2000 county FIPS code CNTYIDFP00 5 String Census 2000 county identifier; a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code and county FIPS code NAME00 100 String Census 2000 county name NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for county LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for county CLASSFP00 2 String Census 2000 FIPS 55 class code MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code UR00 1 String Census 2000 urban/rural indicator FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Current Place Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__place.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code PLACEFP 5 String Current FIPS 55 place code PLACENS 8 String Current place ANSI code PLCIDFP 7 String Current place identifier; a concatenation of current state FIPS code and FIPS 55 place code NAME 100 String Current place name NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for place LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for place CLASSFP 2 String Current FIPS 55 class code CPI 1 String Current urban area central place indicator PCICBSA 1 String Current Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area principal city indicator PCINECTA 1 String Current Metropolitan or Micropolitan New England City and Town Area principal city indicator MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code UR 1 String Current urban/rural indicator FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 Place Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__place00.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code PLACEFP00 5 String Census 2000 FIPS 55 place code PLCIDFP00 7 String Census 2000 place identifier; a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code and FIPS 55 place code. NAME00 100 String Census 2000 place name NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for place LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for place CLASSFP00 2 String Census 2000 FIPS 55 class code CPI00 1 String Census 2000 urban area central place indicator PCICBSA00 1 String Census 2000 Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area principal city indicator. PCINECTA00 1 String Census 2000 Metropolitan or Micropolitan New England City and Town Area principal city indicator. MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code UR00 1 String Census 2000 urban/rural indicator FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Census 2000 1-Percent Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA1) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__puma100.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code PUMA1CE00 5 String Census 2000 1-Percent Public Use Microdata Area code PUMA1ID00 7 String Census 2000 nation-based 1-Percent Public Use Microdata Area code; a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code and 1-Percent Public Use Microdata Area code NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 translated legal/statistical area description code and 1-Percent Public Use Microdata Area code MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Census 2000 5- or 10-Percent Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA5) Shapefile 10 percent sample used in Guam and the US Virgin Islands The shapefile name is: fe_2007__puma500.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code PUMA5CE00 5 String Census 2000 5- or 10-Percent Public Use Microdata Area code PUMA5ID00 7 String Census 2000 nation-based 5- or 10-Percent Public Use Microdata Area code; a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code and 5- or 10-Percent Public Use Microdata Area code NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 translated legal/statistical area description code and 5- or 10-Percent Public Use Microdata Area code MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Current Elementary School District Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__elsd.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code STATENS 8 String Current state ANSI code ELSDLEA 5 String Current elementary school district local education agency code ELSDIDFP 7 String Current nation-based school district code; a concatenation of current state FIPS code and elementary school district local education agency code NAME 100 String Current school district name LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for elementary school district LOGRADE 2 String Current lowest grade covered by school district HIGRADE 2 String Current highest grade covered by school district MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code SDTYP 1 String Current school district type FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 Elementary School District Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__elsd00.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code ELSDLEA00 5 String Census 2000 elementary school district local education agency code ELSDIDFP00 7 String Census 2000 nation-based school district code: a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code and elementary school district local education agency code NAME00 100 String Census 2000 school district name LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for elementary school district LOGRADE00 2 String Census 2000 lowest grade covered by school district HIGRADE00 2 String Census 2000 highest grade covered by school district MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code SDTYP00 1 String Census 2000 school district type FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Current Secondary School District Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__scsd.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code STATENS 8 String Current state ANSI code SCSDLEA 5 String Current secondary school district local education agency code SCSDIDFP 7 String Current nation-based school district code; a concatenation of current state FIPS code and secondary school district local education agency code NAME 100 String Current school district name LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for secondary school district LOGRADE 2 String Current lowest grade covered by school district HIGRADE 2 String Current highest grade covered by school district MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code SDTYP 1 String Current school district type FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 Secondary School District Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__scsd00.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code SCSDLEA00 5 String Census 2000 secondary school district local education agency code SCSDIDFP00 7 String Census 2000 nation-based school district code: a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code and secondary school district local education agency code NAME00 100 String Census 2000 school district name LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for secondary school district LOGRADE00 2 String Census 2000 lowest grade covered by school district HIGRADE00 2 String Census 2000 highest grade covered by school district MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code SDTYP00 1 String Census 2000 school district type FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Current Unified School District Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__unsd.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code STATENS 8 String Current state ANSI code UNSDLEA 5 String Current Unified School District Local Education Agency code UNSDIDFP 7 String Current nation-based school district code; a concatenation of current state FIPS code and unified school district local education agency code NAME 100 String Current school district name LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for unified school district LOGRADE 2 String Current lowest grade covered by school district HIGRADE 2 String Current highest grade covered by school district MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code SDTYP 1 String Current school district type FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 Unified School District Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__unsd00.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code UNSDLEA00 5 String Census 2000 unified school district local education agency code UNSDIDFP00 7 String Census 2000 nation-based school district code: a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code and unified school district local education agency code NAME00 100 String Census 2000 school district name LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for unified school district LOGRADE00 2 String Census 2000 lowest grade covered by school district HIGRADE00 2 String Census 2000 highest grade covered by school district MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code SDTYP00 1 String Census 2000 school district type FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Current State Legislative District Lower Chamber (SLDL) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__sldl.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code STATENS 8 String Current state ANSI code SLDLST 3 String Current State Legislative District Lower Chamber code SLDLIDFP 5 String Current nation-based State Legislative District Lower Chamber code; a concatenation of current state FIPS code and State Legislative District Lower Chamber code NAMELSAD 100 String Current translated legal/statistical area description code and the state legislative district lower chamber code LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for State Legislative District Lower Chamber LSY 4 String Legislative session year MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 State Legislative District Lower Chamber (SLDL) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__sldl00.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code SLDLST00 3 String Census 2000 State Legislative District Lower Chamber code SLDLIDFP00 5 String Census 2000 nation-based state legislative district lower chamber code; a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code and state legislative district lower chamber code NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 translated legal/statistical area description code and the state legislative district lower chamber code LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for State Legislative District Lower Chamber LSY 4 String Legislative session year MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Current State Legislative District Upper Chamber (SLDU) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__sldu.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code STATENS 8 String Current state ANSI code SLDUST 3 String Current State Legislative District Upper Chamber code SLDUIDFP 5 String Current nation-based State Legislative District Upper Chamber code; a concatenation of current state FIPS code and State Legislative District Upper Chamber code NAMELSAD 100 String Current translated legal/statistical area description code and the state legislative district upper chamber code LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for State Legislative District Upper Chamber LSY 4 String Legislative session year MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 State Legislative District Upper Chamber (SLDU) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__sldu00.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code SLDUST00 3 String Census 2000 State Legislative District Upper Chamber code SLDUIDFP00 5 String Census 2000 nation-based state legislative district upper chamber code; a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code and state legislative district upper chamber code NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 translated legal/statistical area description code and the state legislative district upper chamber code LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for State Legislative District Upper Chamber LSY 4 String Legislative session year MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Census 2000 Urban Growth Area (UGA) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007_41_uga00.shp The shapefile is state-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code UGACE00 5 String Census 2000 Urban Growth Area code UGATYP00 1 String Census 2000 Urban Growth Area type NAME00 100 String Census 2000 Urban Growth Area name NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for Urban Growth Area LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for Urban Growth Area MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status County-Based Shapefiles All Lines Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__edges.shp The shapefile is county-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code COUNTYFP 3 String Current county FIPS code COUNTYNS 8 String Current county ANSI code TLID 10 Integer Permanent edge ID TFIDL 10 Integer Permanent face ID on the left of the edge TFIDR 10 Integer Permanent face ID on the right of the edge MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER Feature Class Code of the primary feature for the edge FULLNAME 100 String Concatenation of expanded text for Prefix Qualifier, Prefix Direction, Prefix Type, Base Name, Suffix Type, Suffix Direction, and Suffix Qualifier (as available) with a space between each expanded text field SMID 22 String Spatial metadata identifier LFROMADD 12 String From House Number associated with the most inclusive address range on the left side of the edge LTOADD 12 String To House Number associated with the most inclusive address range on the left side of the edge RFROMADD 12 String From House Number associated with the most inclusive address range on the right side of the edge RTOADD 12 String To House Number associated with the most inclusive address range on the right side of the edge ZIPL 5 String ZIP code associated with the most inclusive address range on the left side ZIPR 5 String ZIP code associated with the most inclusive address range on the right side FEATCAT 1 String General feature classification category HYDROFLG 1 String Hydrography feature indicator RAILFLG 1 String Rail feature indicator ROADFLG 1 String Road feature indicator OLFFLG 1 String Relation to other linear feature indicator PASSFLG 1 String Special passage flag DIVROAD 1 String Divided road flag EXTTYP 1 String Extension type TTYP 1 String Track type DECKEDROAD 1 String Decked road indicator ARTPATH 1 String Artificial path indicator Area Hydrography Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__areawater.shp The shapefile is county-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code COUNTYFP 3 String Current county FIPS code COUNTYNS 8 String Current county ANSI code ANSICODE 8 String Current official code for use by federal agencies for data transfer and dissemination, if applicable HYDROID 22 String Area hydrography identifier FULLNAME 100 String Concatenation of expanded text for Prefix Qualifier, Prefix Direction, Prefix Type, Base Name, Suffix Type, Suffix Direction, and Suffix Qualifier with a space between each expanded text field MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER Feature Class Code Area Landmark Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__arealm.shp The shapefile is county-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code COUNTYFP 3 String Current county FIPS code COUNTYNS 8 String Current county ANSI code ANSICODE 8 String Current official code for use by federal agencies for data transfer and dissemination AREAID 22 String Area landmark identifier FULLNAME 100 String Concatenation of expanded text for Prefix Qualifier, Prefix Direction, Prefix Type, Base Name, Suffix Type, Suffix Direction, and Suffix Qualifier with a space between each expanded text field MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER Feature Class Code Point Landmark Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__pointlm.shp The shapefile is county-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code COUNTYFP 3 String Current county FIPS code COUNTYNS 8 String Current county ANSI code POINTID 22 String Point landmark identifier FULLNAME 100 String Concatenation of expanded text for Prefix Type, Base Name, and Suffix Type with a space between each expanded text field MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code Current Block Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__tabblock.shp The shapefile is county-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code COUNTYFP 3 String Current county FIPS code COUNTYNS 8 String Current county ANSI code STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code COUNTYFP00 3 String Census 2000 county FIPS code TRACTCE00 6 String Census 2000 census tract number BLOCKCE00 4 String Census 2000 tabulation block number SUFFIX1CE 1 String Current census block suffix 1 BLKIDFP 17 String Current nation-based block code; a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code, Census 2000 county FIPS code, Census 2000 census tract code, Census 2000 tabulation block number, and current block suffix 1. NAME 11 String Current tabulation block name; a concatenation of ‘Block’, the current tabulation block number, and the block suffix 1 MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code UR00 1 String Census 2000 urban/rural indicator UACE00 5 String Census 2000 urban area code FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 Block Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__tabblock00.shp The shapefile is county-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code COUNTYFP00 3 String Census 2000 county FIPS code TRACTCE00 6 String Census 2000 census tract number BLOCKCE00 4 String Census 2000 tabulation block number BLKIDFP00 15 String Census 2000 nation-based block code; a concatenation of state FIPS code, county FIPS code, census tract code, and tabulation block number NAME00 10 String Census 2000 tabulation block name; a concatenation of ‘Block’ and the Census 2000 tabulation block number MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code UR00 1 String Census 2000 urban/rural indicator UACE00 5 String Census 2000 urban area code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Census 2000 Block Group Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__bg00.shp The shapefile is county-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code COUNTYFP00 3 String Census 2000 county FIPS code TRACTCE00 6 String Census 2000 census tract number BLKGRPCE00 1 String Census 2000 block group number BKGPIDFP00 12 String Census 2000 nation-based census block group identifier; a concatenation of state FIPS code, county FIPS code, census tract code, and block group number NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 translated legal/statistical area description code and the block group number MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Census 2000 Census Tract Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__tract00.shp The shapefile is county-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code COUNTYFP00 3 String Census 2000 county FIPS code TRACTCE00 6 String Census 2000 census tract number CTIDFP00 11 String Census 2000 census tract identifier; a concatenation of state FIPS code, county FIPS code, and census tract number. NAME00 100 String Census 2000 census tract name, including the decimal point and decimal digits if a non-zero census tract suffix exists, excluding trailing zeros unless the zeros are part of a non-zero census tract suffix, and excluding any leading zeros. NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 translated legal/statistical area description code and the census tract name. MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Current County Subdivision Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__cousub.shp The shapefile is county-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code COUNTYFP 3 String Current county FIPS code COUSUBFP 5 String Current county subdivision FIPS code COUSUBNS 8 String Current county subdivision ANSI code COSBIDFP 10 String Current county subdivision identifier; a concatenation of current state FIPS code, county FIPS code, and county subdivision FIPS code. NAME 100 String Current county subdivision name NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for county subdivision LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for county subdivision CLASSFP 2 String Current FIPS 55 class code MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code UR 1 String Current urban/rural indicator FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 County Subdivision Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__cousub00.shp The shapefile is county-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code COUNTYFP00 3 String Census 2000 county FIPS code COUSUBFP00 5 String Census 2000 county subdivision FIPS code COSBIDFP00 10 String Census 2000 county subdivision identifier; a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code, county FIPS code, and county subdivision FIPS code. NAME00 100 String Census 2000 county subdivision name NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for county subdivision LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for county subdivision CLASSFP00 2 String Census 2000 FIPS 55 class code MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code UR00 1 String Census 2000 urban/rural indicator FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Current Subbarrio Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__submcd.shp The shapefile is county-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code COUNTYFP 3 String Current county FIPS code COUSUBFP 5 String Current county subdivision FIPS code SUBMCDFP 5 String Current sub-minor civil division FIPS code SUBMCDNS 8 String Current sub-minor civil division ANSI code SMCDIDFP 15 String Current sub-minor civil division identifier; a concatenation of current state FIPS code, county FIPS code, county subdivision FIPS code, and sub-minor civil division FIPS code NAME 100 String Current sub-minor civil division name NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for sub-minor civil division LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for sub-minor civil division CLASSFP 2 String Current FIPS 55 class code MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code UR 1 String Current urban/rural indicator FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 Subbarrio Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__submcd00.shp The shapefile is county-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code COUNTYFP00 3 String Census 2000 county FIPS code COUSUBFP00 5 String Census 2000 county subdivision FIPS code SUBMCDFP00 5 String Census 2000 sub-minor civil division FIPS code SMCDIDFP00 15 String Census 2000 sub-minor civil division identifier; a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code, county FIPS code, county subdivision FIPS code, and sub-minor civil division FIPS code NAME00 100 String Census 2000 sub-minor civil division name NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for sub-minor civil division LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for sub- minor civil division CLASSFP00 2 String Census 2000 FIPS 55 class code MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code UR00 1 String Census 2000 urban/rural indicator FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Census 2000 Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__taz00.shp The shapefile is county-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code COUNTYFP00 3 String Census 2000 county FIPS code TAZCE00 6 String Census 2000 Traffic Analysis Zone code TAZIDFP00 11 String Census 2000 nation-based Traffic Analysis Zone code; a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code, county FIPS code, and Traffic Analysis Zone code MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status Census 2000 Voting District (VTD) Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__vtd00.shp The shapefile is county-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code COUNTYFP00 3 String Census 2000 county FIPS code VTDST00 6 String Census 2000 voting district code VTDIDFP00 11 String Census 2000 nation-based voting district code; a concatenation of Census 2000 state FIPS code, county FIPS code, and voting district code VTDI00 1 String Census 2000 voting district indicator NAME00 100 String Census 2000 voting district name NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for voting district LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for voting district MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status County-Based Relationship Files Address Range-Feature Name Relationship File The relationship file name is: fe_2007__addrfn.dbf The relationship file is county-based. The following is the relationship file’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description ARID 22 String Address range identifier LINEARID 22 String Linear feature identifier Address Ranges Relationship File The relationship file name is: fe_2007__addr.dbf The relationship file is county-based. The following is the relationship file’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description TLID 10 Integer permanent edge ID FROMHN 12 String From House Number TOHN 12 String To House Number SIDE 1 String side indicator flag ZIP 5 String 5-digit ZIP code PLUS4 4 String ZIP +4 code FROMTYP 1 String From address range end type TOTYP 1 String To address range end type ARID 22 String Address range identifier MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code Feature Names Relationship File The relationship file name is: fe_2007__featnames.dbf The relationship file is county-based. The following is the relationship file’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description TLID 10 Integer permanent edge ID FULLNAME 100 String Concatenation of expanded text for Prefix Qualifier, Prefix Direction, Prefix Type, Base Name, Suffix Type, Suffix Direction, and Suffix Qualifier (as available) with a space between each expanded text field NAME 100 String Base name portion of the standardized name PREDIRABRV 15 String Prefix direction description component of the feature name PRETYPABRV 50 String Prefix type description component of the feature name PREQUALABR 15 String Prefix qualifier description component of the feature name SUFDIRABRV 15 String Suffix direction description component of the feature name SUFTYPABRV 50 String Suffix type description component of the feature name SUFQUALABR 15 String Suffix qualifier description component of the feature name PREDIR 2 String prefix direction code component of the feature name PRETYP 3 String prefix type code description component of the feature name PREQUAL 2 String prefix qualifier code component of the feature name SUFDIR 2 String suffix direction code component of the feature name SUFTYP 3 String suffix type code description component of the feature name SUFQUAL 2 String suffix qualifier code component of the feature name LINEARID 22 String Linear feature identifier MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code PAFLAG 1 String primary/alternate flag Topological Faces (2-cells With All Geocodes) Relationship File The relationship file name is: fe_2007__faces.dbf The relationship file is county-based. The following is the relationship file’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description TFID 10 Integer permanent face ID STATEFP 2 String Current state FIPS code COUNTYFP 3 String Current county FIPS code STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code COUNTYFP00 3 String Census 2000 county FIPS code TRACTCE00 6 String Census 2000 census tract number BLKGRPCE00 1 String Census 2000 block group number BLOCKCE00 4 String Census 2000 tabulation block number SUFFIX1CE 1 String Current census block suffix 1 COUSUBFP 5 String Current county subdivision FIPS code SUBMCDFP 5 String Current sub-minor civil division FIPS code in Puerto Rico PLACEFP 5 String Current FIPS 55 place code CONCTYFP 5 String Current consolidated area FIPS 55 code UACE 5 String Current urban area code CD108FP 2 String 108th congressional district code CDFP 2 String Current congressional district code CDSESSN 3 String Current congressional session code VTDST00 6 String Census 2000 voting district code SLDUST 3 String Current State Legislative District Upper Chamber code SLDLST 3 String Current State Legislative District Lower Chamber code AIANNHCE 4 String Current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area census code COMPTYP 1 String Current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area reservation/statistical area or off-reservation trust land indicator ANRCFP 5 String Current Alaska Native Regional Corporation FIPS code TRSUBCE 3 String Current tribal subdivision code TTRACTCE00 6 String Census 2000 tribal census tract number CSAFP 3 String Current Combined Statistical Area FIPS code CBSAFP 5 String Current Core Based Statistical Area FIPS code METDIVFP 5 String Current Metropolitan Division FIPS code CNECTAFP 3 String Current Combined New England City and Town Area FIPS code in New England states only NECTAFP 5 String Current New England City and Town Area FIPS code NCTADVFP 5 String Current New England City and Town Area Division FIPS code ELSDLEA 5 String Current Elementary School District Local Education Agency code SCSDLEA 5 String Current Secondary School District Local Education Agency code UNSDLEA 5 String Current Unified School District Local Education Agency code LWFLAG 1 String land/water flag Topological Faces-Area Hydrography Relationship File The relationship file name is: fe_2007__facesah.dbf The relationship file is county-based. The following is the relationship file’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description TFID 10 Integer permanent face ID HYDROID 22 String Area hydrography identifier Topological Faces-Area Landmark Relationship File The relationship file name is: fe_2007__facesal.dbf The relationship file is county-based. The following is the relationship file’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description TFID 10 Integer permanent face ID AREAID 22 String Area landmark identifier American Indian Area-Based Shapefiles Current American Indian Tribal Subdivision (AITS) AIA-based Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__aitsaia.shp The shapefile is AIA-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description AIANNHCE 4 String Current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Areas code TRSUBCE 3 String Current tribal subdivision code TRSUBNS 8 String Current American Indian Tribal Subdivision ANSI code TRSUBID 7 String Current nation-based tribal subdivision code: a concatenation of current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian area code and tribal subdivision code NAME 100 String Current American Indian Tribal Subdivision name NAMELSAD 100 String Current name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for American Indian Tribal Subdivision LSAD 2 String Current legal/statistical area description code for American Indian Tribal Subdivision CLASSFP 2 String Current FIPS 55 class code MTFCC 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT 1 String Current functional status Census 2000 American Indian Tribal Subdivision (AITS) AIA-based Shapefile The shapefile name is: fe_2007__aitsaia00.shp The shapefile is AIA-based. The following is the shapefile’s attribute table layout: Field Length Type Description AIANNHCE00 4 String Census 2000 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Areas code TRSUBCE00 3 String Census 2000 tribal subdivision code TRSUBID00 7 String Census 2000 nation-based tribal subdivision code; a concatenation of Census 2000 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Area code and tribal subdivision code NAME00 100 String Census 2000 American Indian Tribal Subdivision name NAMELSAD00 100 String Census 2000 name and the translated legal/statistical area description code for American Indian Tribal Subdivision LSAD00 2 String Census 2000 legal/statistical area description code for American Indian Tribal Subdivision CLASSFP00 2 String Census 2000 FIPS 55 class code MTFCC00 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code FUNCSTAT00 1 String Census 2000 functional status