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National Institutes of Health Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Last Update: 05/07/2009 Printer Friendly Printer Friendly   Email This Page Email This Page  

Louis, Germaine M

 Title:Senior Investigator
 Address: 6100 Executive Blvd Room 7B03, MSC 7510
Bethesda Md 20892-7510
For FedEx use:
Rockville Md 20852
 Organization:  Epidemiology (EPI) Branch
 Specialty: Fecundity & Fertility
Reproductive Health
Assisted Reproductive Technologies

Germaine M. Buck Louis, Ph.D., has been a Senior Investigator and Chief of DESPR's Epidemiology Branch since 2000. She received her master's degree and her Ph.D. from the University of Buffalo, State of New York. Dr. Buck Louis' research interests primarily focus on the interplay between environmental exposures, behavior, and human reproduction and development.

More research by Germaine M Louis