@ i I il !! 1 I ! i ! i t I i 1 !Ii i i I T : @ I, , ili@@,ioiiiii il@ i'll! @li' i i i-i -@E - 3 ' 1 *!I!. ; I . A R E A ininute ne@vv s June 24, vol.2 no.25 1970 p s @vt. A OTHE Fi T NTURE IN CORONARY. CARE FOR AREA V AREA V focused on another aspect of coronary cam lost week by co-Vonsoring with the West Son Gabriel Valley Division of the L. A. County Heart Associa- tion in the presentation of a Course on Emergency Word Care of Cardiac patients. Sixty-two nurses from AREA V community hospitals registered for the two-day course which was given June 19 and 20 at Methodist Hospital in Arcadia. Rep- resented were La Vina Hospital, St. Luke's Hospital,, Methodist Hospital., Huntington Memorial Hospital, Pasadena Community Hospital, LAC-USC Medi- cal Center, Garfield Community Hospital, Santa Te@ita Hospital,, Sierra Modr.e Community Hospital, Son Gabriel Community Hospital and Pasadena Dispensary. Emphasis of the coume was on interpretation and tmdtment of warning ar'rhyth- mics but the subjects ranged from the equipment advised for emergency word facilities and drugs currently in use to the necessity for a written protocol for the unit to facilitate the emergency treatment and transfer of the myocardial inforction patient to the CCU. Lectures were given dueing the symposium by Doctors Richard Dickey, Clyde McAuley, Sh.irl, Evans, Bruce Wallace and James Getzen, all of Methodist Hospital and by Dr. Lawrence Herman of Garfield Community Hospital. Mrs. Eileen Lowder of the Son Gabriel Valley Heart Association was respon- sible for publicity @and registration; Mm. Kay Smillie, Director,,of lnservice Education at- Methodist Hospital coordinated the course - VIVIEN WARR and GLADYS ANCRUM@of AREA V assisted with the ECG Wor6hops and,prosen- tation of the m'iiltimedia instructional material. The course was enthtxicsticall received'and AREA V hopes to plan similar y programs with other Divisions of the L. A. County Heart Association',, SPECIAL AMtRicA.I.i"m STUDY FUNDED N E) N FREE:CLINI One of five ved by the received the backing'of Councilm Area Advisc meet- @@R@b Stevenson june 19 w@h@en inq fo@"@d ci es s h6 @@---his '..@.-ttion,, nine members @f th B received a @CRMPO rd City Hcil I @t Oa visited "Summer E?q for Allied Health !,icize their efforts@ aft Student s -week ObSerVattcq/ @,,-,,In a private confe e i-C ce ei n ea I eaders,'@@ a represe ri -,jt pqft,' ipation expe e in I th' core settin group at medical and,.. .;,"venson stated that@the -Co!jncilmon other 1-in@'students. ' Stu'dent@'@ piy appre will b a, wide variety of health ciates the shyness and pride of re pqrsonnei i n acute care, i,@0!@.-Ameri can I nai an a 04@ I iiitafi"@n:facil;iiies and himself a s't'ranc'i'er in his native in community agencies'@'," ih'6' v;'ill s@@"" With no helping hand for socia y patients with many ki@ds'of@neods-and:will@" @'odonomi c i m'provement.1' % Counci I n assist voeious health @orkers in providi6' @'.:@stevenson announced his great measure 9 for those. needs. @A maior hope of this:- in sponsoring the g@up's appearanc Ci I study is that students Who parti cipate wi I I before the Ci@ Couh and offerec -,in e te ass ce a take the initiative-to@cont4nue t rdis- h istan f his office and staff cipi inary activity after grqouation and n'-@h-@F @Cli A ipirii re nilc P.@lect., subsequently into practice of health pro- discussion amonc cil mem6ers, ist -Coun. O@ fessionals. The overall r)lan for the ex- to Which had the most lndi p@rienc'e has oeen aev6lo h as constituents multi-dis'c f'f f @comment that i Resea@@.c in we are not w @ig ci I -'f wt t a t u s c' ng stead 0 1 of $1800 WI II support i trainees in this program,"., ri nci roposal 2-07 plipai p 2 lmmuno- nui 18 a hematoloq Pro- y I ts c for aram" is @el tion s to CCRMP@ t been approv cation Healt c by a CCRMP.Te"c'nnic ttee subject to certain@@rei Final t revisi@n@@@@f@ t-ed I e AAG members tor,co t Ser)tember 8 meeting, p @-AREA V REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS CALENDAR June, July 1970 Friday June 26 COMP - Mental Health and 10 am*! Mental Retardation Los Angeles Saturday, June 27 Ben fit Dinner 6 P.M. to 11: 0 e 3 p.m and Powwow. J@hn 'Anson Ford Fork Bel I Gardens Tuesday,'June 30 AREA V Staff Stroke Team @12 noon Downstairs Wednesday, July I AREA V Staff Meeting 9:30 a* MO Confereftce;@ AREA V Cancer Planning P.M. P Confer n e Room RM e c -@iui'y'2 CCRMP Staff Consultants 2 to 5 POM, Airport rii H L[bA F @l o y AktA@Ab'VISORY-GROUP..MEETINGS Fo July 14 September 8 r@l COMMITTEE CHAI RMENIS MEETINGS J G R@@ j IV 10 tKt 14 Septemr U STAFF MEETINGS SUBJECT TO CHANGES--CHECK WITH Of IC LATE @INFORMATi6N,@@@@@@ Area V Staff Donald W. Petit, M.D. Area Coordinator William A. Markey, M.S. Deputy Coordinator Russell D. Tyle, M.D. Opaitions Division Frank F.: Agui lera, M.P.A. Community Program Gladys Ancrum, Dr. P.H. Coronary Care Program Dorothy E. Anderson, M.P.H. Community Programs Key D. Fuller, R.N. Nursiot; Leon C. Hauck, M.P.H. Health Data John S. Lloyd, Ph.D. Evaluation Elsie M. McGuff Conununications Clyde E. @n, A.C.S.W. @al Wbrk Toni Moors, S.A. Community Programs Robert E. Randle, M.D. Continuing Education Luis A. Pingarron East Los Angeles Vivian E. Waff, R.N. Coronary Care Programs Commilue Cheirnwo Area Advisory Group Chester A. Rude Cancer Lewis W. Guiss, M.D. Chronic Disease Russell D. Tyler, M.D. Cardiac George C. Griffith, M.D. Phil R. Manning, M.D. Continuing Education is Hospital Administrators Henry B. Dunlap, M.P.H $a , - Library Services John M. Comorl, M.A. Nursing Fotine O'Cmnor, R.N. 69 ef SUoke Robert H. R*nz, M.D. Systems & Computers Lee D. Cady, M.D. Social Workers Bernice W. Harper, A-C.S.W.