Integrated Recovery Guide: New Mexico Beneficiaries

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was signed into law in early February, and because the legislation did not contain specific directives allocating funds, federal agencies and state and local governments are directing those resources according to their own needs and priorities.  As information about funding opportunities through ARRA becomes available, it will be posted here on my website.  You will also be able to check, the Obama Administration’s clearinghouse on ARRA funding and how it is being used, to monitor the distribution of funds in this historic effort to stimulate our economy.

I have spoken with economists and experts of many political persuasions, and am convinced we made the right decision to encourage economic growth by passing ARRA.  But without accountability, the best of intentions here in Washington will fall flat.  That is why I will monitor how ARRA funding is being distributed and put to good use throughout our state and the nation.  I encourage you to do the same here on my website or by looking at this interactive map, so you can see how your tax dollars are being used to bolster New Mexico’s economy. 

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