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Congressional Record
Government Printing Office (1873-present) 

Teams of official reporters of debates attend chamber meetings of the Senate and House to transcribe debate and legislative business. The Congressional Record is the result of their work. It is distributed the following day to more than 20,000 subscribers in legislative offices, government agencies, and depository libraries. The Congressional Record  research guide further explains use of the Record.

Members of Congress and their staffs rely upon the Record to provide an accurate, comprehensive, and unbiased account of floor activities. Prior to 1873, several publications recorded (or failed to record) the words of senators and representatives.

The Daily Digest helps to locate information within each issue. The Résumé of Congressional Activity summarizes legislative activity.


Find Books

Many of the books listed on senate.gov can be found at your local public library or a government depository library, or can be purchased on the Web or from a bookstore.  This guide will help you get started.  

Contact your Senators

Follow this guide on how to contact your Senators by phone, postal mail, or on the Web.

Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress

Information about any senator, representative, vice president, or member of the Continental Congress.  


Institutional Bibliography

The United States Senate: An Institutional Bibliography includes more than six hundred citations to books, articles and government documents printed since 1789.