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Tech Support to Weston, for Wetland Study and Remediation in the Canal Creek, Edgewook Area, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md

Project Start Date: 01-October-2007
Project End Date: 30-April-2011

Weston Solutions, Inc.

Lorah, Michelle M.


The objective of this project is to provide support on design, monitoring, data analysis, and field implementation of groundwater remediation in the Canal Creek Area at Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), Maryland, with Dr. Lorah serving as a Senior Technical Advisor to for Weston Solutions, Inc. Weston Solutions, Inc. is conducting groundwater and sediment contamination studies and remediation in the Canal Creek Area under a Performance-Based Acquisition (PBA) issued by the U.S. Army. The USGS previously conducted extensive natural attenuation and bioremediation studies in the Canal Creek Area for the U.S. Army under the direction of Dr. Lorah.

USGS developed, designed, and pilot tested two remediation technologies that can be applied in areas where contaminated groundwater discharges to wetlands: (1) the WBC-2 microbial consortium that was derived from wetland sediment at APG and degrades chlorinated ethanes, ethenes, and methanes to non-chlorinated products, and (2) a bioaugmented reactive mat that can be applied at the wetland surface where contaminated groundwater is discharging to provide a horizontal, permeable remediation barrier. The use of these two technologies, which are being further developed for commercial application under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) between USGS and GeoSyntec USGS, is proposed by Weston Solutions under the PBA.

Statement of Problem


Strategy and Approach

Dr. Lorah would serve as a Senior Technical Advisor to Weston Solutions, Inc.. All data and analyses related to the wetland studies (including work in the uplands) would be available to USGS for use in publication and presentation at scientific conferences, possibly as part of other CRADA-related publications. This work will be completed between October 1, 2007 and April 30, 2011.

Specific tasks are given below. The fiscal year that the task will occur in is also indicated for planning purposes.
a) Assist in development of strategy for wetlands treatments. (FY08)
b) Review of final design of wetland treatments, which may include reactive mat treatment or direct injection, and initial oversight of field implementation. (FY08)
c) Review and oversight of sampling system design and methods for wetlands treatments. (FY/08)
d) Conduct data analyses of the performance of wetland treatments after Weston Solutions completes data processing and assembles data tables and maps. (FY10)
e) Provide brief summary of data analyses to be included in Weston Solutions' remedial performance reports to the U.S. Army, and in peer-reviewed publications or conference proceedings at the discretion of the USGS. (FY11)
f) Review annual Weston Solutions' remedial performance reports to the U.S. Army. (FY11)
g) Optional add-in for meeting and phone conference time while implemented wetland treatments are being monitored during FY09 to keep up to date on progress and provide technical input as needed.

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