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Independence National Historical Park
For Teachers
Independence Park Institute logo
Independence Park Institute logo

The Independence Park Institute (IPI) offers education programs that connect participants of all ages to the resources and stories of Independence National Historical Park.

Try our Independence National Historical Park Cell Phone Audio Tour! Call 267-519-4295, press Prompt #27 for Independence Park Institute and Independence Living History center information. Read the press release and flyer with stops listing other park sites.

New Programs and Events

"A Wolf by the Ear: A Press Conference with Thomas Jefferson" Flyer

School Program Information brochure

Spring IPI Workshops
Professional Development

Lesson Plans

Independence Hall: A World Heritage Site
[Lesson Plan

The Liberty Bell: A Symbol for "We the People"
[ Lesson plans ]
How does an ordinary bell become an international symbol for liberty and freedom?

The Liberty Bell learning lab is a new educational space in Independence National Historical Park where students will use primary source documents and objects to research the symbolism of the bell. The focus of the on-site program The Liberty Bell: A Symbol for "We the People" will be on how a broken bell became an icon of ourselves, our country, and the world. It will discuss how this transformation took place by looking at each event in history associated with the bell. Students will see how each event gave the Bell more legitimacy as a symbol.

The pre-visit lesson plans are currently available using the link above.

Grab your pens and unleash your imagination for the Hedgehog Herald adventure!




Photo of Independence Hall
IPI Professional Development Workshop
Sign up for the latest IPI workshop!
Image of Hedgehog Herald mascot
Hedgehog Herald adventure starts here
Grab your pens and unleash your imagination!
Photo of signing table  

Did You Know?
There are 39 names on the constitution but only 38 signers? John Dickenson of Delaware gave permission to his colleague George Read to sign his name if he wasn't present.

Last Updated: January 08, 2009 at 12:48 EST