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Remembering Jack Kemp

Remembering Jack Kemp

Republican Leader John Boehner"Like millions of Americans I was saddened to learn of Jack Kemp's illness, and I am saddened...

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May 01, 2009
Leading House Democrat Admits That Government-Run Health Care Will Put Private Health Care Out of Business Jan Schakowsky (D-IL): "And next to me was a guy from the insurance company, who then argued against the...

May 01, 2009
Drudge Report Highlights Cap-and-Tax

Pence: Cap-and-Trade 'Declaration of War,' to Cost US Families $3,100/Year...Cap and Trade a ‘Declaration of War,' Say RepublicansBy Josiah Ryan,...

April 27, 2009
The Hill: GOP Seizes on Energy Bill as 'national tax'

House and Senate Republicans intend to ramp up their attack  of the Democratic-sponsored clean-energy legislation this week in an effort...

April 27, 2009
The Washington Post: Small Businesses Brace for Tax Battle

Gail Johnson doesn't think of herself as wealthy. The former pediatric nurse has spent 20 years building a chain of...

April 27, 2009
Pence Op-ed in Muncie Star Press: on Debt Day, With Regret

Today, April 26, is Debt Day for this fiscal year. That is, today is the day the federal government's expenses...

April 24, 2009
Happy Debt Day: Government to 'run Out' of Cash Sunday, Earliest Ever

"Debt Day," marking the point in the fiscal year when government spending exceeds revenue, falls this Sunday. That's the earliest...

April 24, 2009
Democrat Dean of the House Calls Cap and Trade a “Great Big” Tax

Chairman Emeritus of Energy and Commerce Committee, John Dingell (D-MI), calls cap and trade as it is:  “Nobody in this...

April 23, 2009
Editorials Highlight President’s Fiscal Irresponsibility

Washington Post:  "President Obama is requiring government agencies to find $100 million in savings. Next year's budget deficit will be...

April 23, 2009
Economic Declaration of War

Access the post on here.There is a war brewing between liberals on Capitol Hill and the hardworking citizens of...

April 22, 2009
The Weekly Standard: Fuzzy Math

By John McCormack   Weekly Standard  April 22, 2009 It's just another inconvenient truth: If Americans want any of the government remedies...

April 21, 2009
The Miami Herald: Rep. Ros-lehtinen Op-ed: Empower Democracy, Rein in Tyrants

Sunday marked the conclusion of the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago. This meeting could have offered a...

April 17, 2009
LA Times: Untangling Our Taxes

On Tax Day, the most beguiling promise an American president can make to the millions of people rushing to complete...

April 16, 2009
Rep. Mike Pence Discusses Tax Day and Tea Parties on Msnbc’s Hardball

To view the video, click here. Excerpts from the transcript: "Candidly, now I know how the old settlers back in the West...

April 08, 2009
USA Today: Housing Agencies Faulted in Audits to Get $300m of Stimulus

WASHINGTON - The federal government will soon send more than $300 million in stimulus funds to 61 housing agencies that...

April 06, 2009
Newspapers Across the Nation Take Aim the Democrats’ Irresponsible Budget That Spends, Borrows and Taxes Too Much

The Washington Post, Editorial: “Budget Gimmicks (Cont'd) … The House and Senate pile on the chicanery to mask the growing...

April 03, 2009
House GOP Focuses on Latinos

House Republican leaders are circulating a "best practice" document designed to help rank-and-file GOP Members raise their profile with Latino...

April 02, 2009
Congressman Pence Discusses the Republican Budget on FOXNEWS' America's Newsroom

Alisyn Camerota: Well, Molly just mentioned Republicans are giving a second opinion on the budget, introducing their own spending...

April 01, 2009
WSJ: The GOP's Alternative Budget

President Obama offers us the option of European big government.By PAUL D. RYANToday, the House of Representatives will consider two...

March 27, 2009
The GOP Alternative

Fiscal Policy: President Obama claims that Republicans "don't offer an alternative budget." In fact, they do, and it costs far...

March 24, 2009
USA Today: Opposing View: Stop Using Taxpayers' Money

By Rep. Jeb HensarlingI hope Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's plan to rescue America's largest financial institutions works. Inaction is not...

March 23, 2009
WSJ: Obama Sticker Shock

President Obama's 2010 budget looks more astounding by the day, especially when someone other than the White House budget office...

March 20, 2009
Washington Times: GOP Bests Its Rival for Youtube Views

They may not control either chamber of Congress or the White House, but Republicans appear to be doing something right...

March 18, 2009
Republicans Stand United Against A Budget That Spends Too Much, Borrows Too Much and Taxes Too Much

To view this video, click here.FOXNEWS' Major Garrett: "Republicans were so synchronized in their condemnation they could literally finish each...

March 16, 2009
St. Petersburg Times: GOP's unified "no" strategy against Obama's spending

WASHINGTON - When it comes to President Obama and the Democrats these days, you couldn't knock Republican leaders of Congress...

March 12, 2009
Republicans Launch Bicameral Effort to Blast Obama Budget Proposal

Republican leaders in the House and Senate launched an unusual joint effort Wednesday to create a drumbeat of criticism about...

March 09, 2009
Investor's Business Daily: More Money Won't Assure Quality Care

"What it's supposed to do for people doesn't get done in reality."The speaker criticizing this government program wasn't talking about...

March 06, 2009
GOP Member Activity Update: Taking Our Case to the American People

Republicans in the News:Rep. Michele Bachmann appeared on FOX Business Happy Hour to discuss the "cramdown" housing bill.Rep. Joe Barton...

March 05, 2009
GOP Leaders Respond To Democrat Distraction Tactics

FOX NEWS SPECIAL REPORT: House GOP Leaders Respond to Democrats Using Rush Limbaugh as a Distraction From Their Tax-and-Spend PoliciesClick...

March 04, 2009
GOP Resolution to Tout Iraq Surge

In a largely symbolic move designed to send a message to President Obama, a group of House lawmakers is introducing...

February 27, 2009
Rep. Mike Pence Discusses Budget and Economic Issues On Fox News ‘Happening Now’ With Jon Scott

Transcript: Jon Scott: Democrats call it a blueprint; Republicans say it's a target. Some of them are labeling the $3.6 billion...

February 26, 2009
CNN: Dem Blasts Obama's Budget

(CNN) - Mississippi Democratic Rep. Gene Taylor blasted the budget outline President Obama submitted to Capitol Hill today, saying "I...

February 26, 2009
OP-ED: Hold Your Nose For Tarp II

President Obama's address to Congress on Tuesday night foreshadowed the next development in the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) blockbuster...

February 26, 2009
OP-ED: Letting Judges Rewrite Loans Is Toxic Itself

"At first blush it seems somewhat strange that the Bankruptcy Code should provide less protection to an individual's interest in...

February 25, 2009
The Washington Post: Voucher Subterfuge

Hoping no one notices, congressional Democrats step between 1,800 D.C. children and a good education.  CONGRESSIONAL Democrats want to mandate...

February 23, 2009
Blunt: Freeze Federal Spending -- Now

Missouri Congressman Roy Blunt, a Republican and U.S. Senate candidate from southwest Missouri, today responded to President Obama's call for...

February 23, 2009
Redstate: Medicaid For Millionaires By Rep. Cliff Stearns

"We shouldn't have to do that, because they should know better."So said President Obama in explaining why the Treasury-quite rightly-forced...

February 19, 2009
GOP Surpasses Dems On Twitter

Republicans finally get it - and have jumped on Internet technology in hopes of dominating it in the same way...

February 18, 2009
Open Letter To Jack Kemp

Along with millions of Americans, I was troubled to learn of your diagnosis of cancer and have been praying for...

February 17, 2009
Thirty Years Later, A Return To Stagflation

CONGRESS has made a terrible mistake. Amid a rhetorical debate centered on words like "crisis," "emergency" and "catastrophe," it acted...

February 13, 2009
Analysis: Stimulus Won't Jump-start Economy

WASHINGTON -- No, the big stimulus plan won't "save or create 3.5 million jobs," as the president and congressional Democrats...

February 13, 2009
CBO Predicts Lower GDP In A Decade

"The Congressional Budget Office says President Obama's giant economic recovery bill will actually hurt Americans' paychecks in the long run,...

February 11, 2009
Washington Post Criticizes Obama's "Straw Man" Tactics

By Michael D. Shear and Anne E. KornblutWashington Post Staff WritersWednesday, February 11, 2009; A06FORT MYERS, Fla., Feb. 10 --...

February 11, 2009
Barton: How Unstimulating

When the House Energy and Commerce Committee took up the president's stimulus package last month, one Democrat found himself standing...

February 11, 2009
Drudge: $300 Million In Stimulus For 'Green Golf Carts'

New York Post: CONGRESS $HOPPING CARTS Access the original article here.By GEOFF EARLEPost Correspondent ELECTRIC BUZZ: Hillary Clinton in 2005 rides...

February 10, 2009
WSJ: Op-Ed: Why Obama Wants Control Of the Census

Counting citizens is a powerful political tool. OPINION: JOHN FUND ON THE TRAIL By JOHN FUNDPresident Obama said in his inaugural address...

February 09, 2009
WSJ: How Government Created the Financial Crisis

Many are calling for a 9/11-type commission to investigate the financial crisis. Any such investigation should not rule out government...

February 05, 2009
WSJ: What Is Congress Stimulating?

Contrary to conventional Beltway wisdom, the House Republicans' zero votes for the Obama presidency's stimulus "package" is looking like the...

February 03, 2009
GOP Challenges House Democrats To Release Omnibus Details

House Republican leaders on Tuesday called for public release of the proposed omnibus legislation that would encompass the nine remaining...

February 03, 2009
House Gop Lawmaker Wants Daschle Nomination Pulled

Rep. Lynn Westmoreland is circulating a letter among his Republican colleagues that calls on President Obama to pull Tom Daschle's...

February 02, 2009
House Gop Bullish At Va. Retreat

HOT SPRINGS, Va. — In his inaugural address, President Barack Obama said it was time for Americans to “pick ourselves...