Conference Blog

Jeff Flake: Uncensored

March 23, 2009

Rep. Jeff Flake (AZ) gets a few words in at the American Spectator this morning, offering insight from the mind of Republicans' leading anti-earmark crusader.

On healthcare: For good reason, Americans are naturally skeptical about the federal government’s ability to manage a national healthcare program. So Republicans have an advantage in that Americans are more inclined to support market-based healthcare reforms.

On President Bush: ...I think President Bush’s trade policy has been underappreciated. Aside from a hiccup on steel tariffs early on, President Bush was a consistent proponent of free trade.

On being in the minority: being so deep in the minority has freed Republicans to vote more on principle.

On Republicans' biggest mistake: ...the Medicare prescription drug entitlement.

On earmarks: Clearly, taxpayers were outraged by the pork in the omnibus, but Republicans couldn’t get any traction on it because Democrats were able to turn around and say that 40% of the earmarks in the bill were Republican earmarks.

On bailouts: The various bailouts have prevented the market from reaching its natural bottom.

On tax cuts: I don’t think we can expect any meaningful tax cuts during the Obama Administration, but I don’t believe the era of tax cuts is over.

Read more here.

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