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2005 ACS 1-year PUMS Language Code List

PUMS Code Language Description Language Code Corresponding Detailed Language Code
601 Jamaican Creole 601 Jamaican Creole
607 German 607 German
613 Luxembourgian
608 Pennsylvania Dutch 608 Pennsylvania Dutch
609 Yiddish 609 Yiddish
610 Dutch 610 Dutch
611 Afrikaans 611 Afrikaans
614 Swedish 614 Swedish
615 Danish 615 Danish
616 Norwegian 616 Norwegian
619 Italian 619 Italian
620 French 620 French
621 Provencal
622 Patois 622 Patois
623 French Creole 623 French Creole
624 Cajun 624 Cajun
625 Spanish 625 Spanish
627 Ladino
628 Pachuco
629 Portuguese 629 Portuguese
630 Papia Mentae
631 Romanian 631 Romanian
635 Irish Gaelic 635 Irish Gaelic
637 Greek 637 Greek
638 Albanian 638 Albanian
639 Russian 639 Russian
641 Ukrainian 641 Ukrainian
642 Czech 642 Czech
645 Polish 645 Polish
646 Slovak 646 Slovak
647 Bulgarian 647 Bulgarian
648 Macedonian 648 Macedonian
649 Serbocroatian 649 Serbocroatian
650 Croatian 650 Croatian
651 Serbian 651 Serbian
653 Lithuanian 653 Lithuanian
654 Lettish 654 Lettish
655 Armenian 655 Armenian
656 Persian 656 Persian
657 Pashto 657 Pashto
658 Kurdish 658 Kurdish
662 India N.E.C. 662 India N.E.C.
663 Hindi 663 Hindi
664 Bengali 664 Bengali
665 Panjabi 665 Panjabi
666 Marathi 666 Marathi
667 Gujarathi 667 Gujarathi
671 Urdu 671 Urdu
674 Nepali 674 Nepali
676 Pakistan N.E.C. 676 Pakistan N.E.C.
677 Sinhalese 677 Sinhalese
679 Finnish 679 Finnish
682 Hungarian 682 Hungarian
691 Turkish 691 Turkish
701 Telugu 701 Telugu
702 Kannada 702 Kannada
703 Malayalam 703 Malayalam
704 Tamil 704 Tamil
708 Chinese 708 Chinese
711 Cantonese 711 Cantonese
712 Mandarin 712 Mandarin
714 Formosan 714 Formosan
717 Burmese 717 Burmese
720 Thai 720 Thai
721 Miao-yao, Mien 721 Miao-yao, Mien
722 Hmong 722 Hmong
723 Japanese 723 Japanese
724 Korean 724 Korean
725 Laotian 725 Laotian
726 Mon-Khmer, Cambodian 726 Mon-Khmer, Cambodian
728 Vietnamese 728 Vietnamese
732 Indonesian 732 Indonesian
739 Malay 739 Malay
742 Tagalog 742 Tagalog
743 Bisayan 743 Bisayan
744 Sebuano 744 Sebuano
746 Ilocano 746 Ilocano
752 Chamorro 752 Chamorro
767 Samoan 767 Samoan
768 Tongan 768 Tongan
776 Hawaiian 776 Hawaiian
777 Arabic 777 Arabic
778 Hebrew 778 Hebrew
779 Syriac 779 Syriac
780 Amharic 780 Amharic
783 Cushite 783 Cushite
791 Swahili 791 Swahili
792 Bantu 792 Bantu
793 Mande 793 Mande
794 Fulani 794 Fulani
796 Kru, Ibo, Yoruba 796 Kru, Ibo, Yoruba
799 African 799 African
806 Other Algonquin Languages 806 Algonquian
807 Arapaho
808 Atsina
809 Blackfoot
810 Cheyenne
811 Cree
812 Delaware
813 Fox
814 Kickapoo
815 Menomini
816 French Cree
817 Miami
818 Micmac
819 Ojibwa
820 Ottawa
821 Passamaquoddy
822 Penobscot
823 Abnaki
824 Potawatomi
825 Shawnee
826 Wiyot
827 Yurok
862 Apache 862 Apache
864 Navajo 864 Navajo
907 Dakota 907 Dakota
924 Keres 924 Keres
933 Cherokee 933 Cherokee
964 Zuni 964 Zuni
966 American Indian 966 American Indian
985 Other Indo-European languages 602 Krio
603 Hawaiian Pidgin
>604 Pidgin
605 Gullah
606 Saramacca
612 Frisian
617 Icelandic
618 Faroese
626 Catalonian
632 Rhaeto-omanic
633 Welsh
634 Breton
636 Scottic Gaelic
640 Bielorussian
643 Kashubian
644 Lusatian
652 Slovene
659 Balochi
660 Tadzhik
661 Ossete
668 Bihari
669 Rajasthani
670 Oriya
672 Assamese
673 Kashmiri
675 Sindhi
678 Romany
986 Other Asian languages 684 Chuvash
685 Karakalpak
686 Kazakh
687 Kirghiz
688 Karachay
689 Uighur
690 Azerabaijani
692 Turkmen
693 Yakut
694 Mongolian
695 Tungus
698 Dravidian
699 Brahui
700 Gondi
705 Kurukh
706 Munda
707 Burushaski
709 Hakka
710 Kan, Hsiang
713 Fuchow
715 Wu
716 Tibetan
718 Karen
719 Kachin
727 Paleo-siberian
729 Muong
730 Buginese
731 Moluccan
733 Achinese
988 Other Pacific Island languages 734 Balinese
735 Cham
736 Javanese
737 Madurese
738 Malagasy
740 Minangkabau
741 Sundanese
745 Pangasinan
747 Bikol
748 Pampangan
749 Gorontalo
750 Micronesian
751 Carolinian
753 Gilbertese
754 Kusaiean
755 Marshallese
756 Mokilese
757 Mortlockese
758 Nauruan
759 Palau
760 Ponapean
761 Trukese
762 Ulithean
763 Woleai-Ulithi
764 Yapese
765 Melanesian
766 Polynesian
769 Niuean
770 Tokelauan
771 Fijian
772 Marquesan
773 Rarotongan
774 Maori
775 Nukuoro
989 Other Specified African languages 781 Berber
782 Chadic
784 Sudanic
785 Nilotic
786 Nilo-hamitic
787 Nubian
788 Saharan
789 Nilo-sharan
790 Khoisan
795 Gur
797 Efik
798 Mbum (and Related)
990 Aleut-Eskimo Languages 800 Aleut
801 Pacific Gulf Yupik
802 Eskimo
803 Inupik
804 St Lawrence Is Yupik
805 Yupik
992 South/Central America Indian 956 Aztecan
957 Sonoran, Nec
967 Misumalpan
968 Mayan Languages
970 Mapuche
971 Oto - Manguen
972 Quechua
973 Aymara
974 Arawakian
975 Chibchan
976 Tupi-Guarani
993 Other Specified North American Indian Languages 828 Kutenai
829 Makah
830 Kwakiutl
831 Nootka
833 Lower Chehalis
834 Upper Chehalis
835 Clallam
836 Coeur D'Alene
837 Columbia
838 Cowlitz
839 Salish
840 Nootsack
841 Okanogan
842 Puget Sound Salish
843 Quinault
844 Tillamook
845 Twana
846 Haida
847 Athapascan
848 Ahtena
849 Han
850 Ingalit
851 Koyukon
852 Kuchin
853 Upper Kuskokwim
854 Tanaina
855 Tanana
856 Tanacross
857 Upper Tanana
858 Tutchone
859 Chasta Costa
860 Hupa
861 Other Athapascan-Eyak
863 Kiowa
865 Eyak
866 Tlingit
867 Mountain Maidu
868 Northwest Maidu
869 Southern Maidu
870 Coast Miwok
871 Plains Miwok
872 Sierra Miwok
873 Nomlaki
874 Patwin
875 Wintun
876 Foothill No. Yokuts
877 Tachi
878 Santiam
879 Siuslaw
880 Klamath
881 Nez Perce
882 Sahaptian
883 Upper Chinook
884 Tsimshian
885 Achumawi
886 Atsugewi
887 Karok
888 Pomo
889 Shastan
890 Washo
891 Up River Yuman
892 Cocomaricopa
893 Mohave
894 Yuma
895 Diegueno
896 Delta River Yuman
897 Upland Yuman
898 Havasupai
899 Walapai
900 Yavapai
901 Chumash
902 Tonkawa
903 Yuchi
904 Crow
905 Hidatsa
906 Mandan
908 Chiwere
909 Winnebago
910 Kansa
911 Omaha
912 Osage
913 Ponca
914 Quapaw
915 Alabama
916 Choctaw
917 Mikasuki
918 Hichita
919 Koasati
920 Muskogee
921 Chetemacha
922 Yuki
923 Wappo
925 Iroquois
926 Mohawk
927 Oneida
928 Onondaga
929 Cayuga
930 Seneca
931 Tuscarora
932 Wyandot
934 Arikara
935 Caddo
936 Pawnee
937 Wichita
938 Comanche
939 Mono
940 Paiute
941 Northern Paiute
942 Southern Paiute
943 Chemehuevi
944 Kawaiisu
945 Ute
946 Shoshoni
947 Panamint
948 Hopi
949 Cahuilla
950 Cupeno
951 Luiseno
952 Serrano
953 Tubatulabal
954 Pima
955 Yaqui
958 Indian (input Only)
959 Picuris
960 Tiwa
961 Sandia
962 Tewa
963 Towa
965 Chinook Jargon
969 Tarascan
977 Jicarilla
978 Chiricahua
979 San Carlos
980 Kiowa-Apache
981 Kalispel
982 Spokane
994 Other Languages 680 Estonian
681 Lapp
683 Other Uralic Lang.
696 Caucasian
697 Basque
998 Specified Not Listed
999 Not specified
996 Language not specified 996 Uncodable


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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  American Community Survey Office  |  Page Last Modified: January 12, 2009