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Geologic Discipline's maps and data access

Web-based mineral resources spatial data delivery,

In cooperation with other Federal and State agencies, the Mineral Resources Program has developed an Internet-based, data delivery system that allows interested customers worldwide to download accurate, up-to-date mineral resource-related data.Topography map of North America

The overall goal of the project is to provide comprehensive coverage of the U.S. with consistent, seamless, and complete digital datasets necessary for regional and national scale research and land planning activities

Databases available include geology (U.S. and world), lithology, geochemistry, geophysics, and mineral deposit information (U.S. and world).

All data in the system are spatially located (i.e., all data are referenced to geographic locations) and customers with Internet access and a modern web-browser are able to produce maps having user-defined overlays within any region of interest.

A GIS web-interface allows users to produce and download a variety of products:

Users of this product include:


Geo-Data Explorer (GEODE),

GEODE Logo and link to http://geode.ugsg.govThe Energy Resources Program has developed an energy resource, decision support system, called Geo-Data Explorer, or GEODE. This GIS-based, web-accessed, interactive data delivery system of energy, cultural, and environmental information is designed to assist land and resource managers make wise land-use decisions concerning the Nation's energy resource development.

Users can access and manipulate multiple types of information, such as satellite images and geologic maps.

Example of map prepared by using GEODE.
Example of map prepared by using GEODE. The map shows schools (in yellow) located within 0.5 mile of major faults (heavy blue lines) in the San Francisco Bay area, California.










Examples of data available through GEODE: