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Homeland Security Components

Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources Learning Series

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Sponsored by the Office of Infrastructure Protection, the Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources Learning Series consists of one hour Web-based seminars on current topics and issues of interest to owners and operators of the nation's Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources. 

This important series is designed to provide the tools, latest trends, issues and best practices in the infrastructure protection arena. Designed for owners and operators, as well as key government stakeholders, the Webinars provide practical ideas for implementing infrastructure protection protocols.

The audience for these seminars includes, but is not limited to: security, operations, facilities, systems, and financial or risk managers; emergency management professionals; and others engaged in implementing infrastructure protection and resilience activities.

Current Webinar

Third in the series

Engaged Partnership for Disaster Response
April 28, 2009, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. EDT

Please join us to discuss the roadmap for integrating critical infrastructure response as a key element of the nation’s unified approach to incident management.

To register, please go to:  https://connect.hsin.gov/cikrlsreg28apr09/.

Upcoming Topics

The upcoming series includes the following topics:

  • Infrastructure Risk Analysis and Information Sharing Capabilities - May 18, 2009


If you'd like more information on infrastructure protection education, please contact IP_Education@HQ.dhs.gov.


This page was last reviewed/modified on April 16, 2009.