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Immigration Policy: Assimilation


Find out more

  • New Naturalizations: 3,548,270 new Americans naturalized across the last 5 years, including 1,049,832 in fiscal year 2008, a new record.
  • Redesigned naturalization test questions (PDF, 11 pages - 335 KB)
  • Revised naturalization test announced in September 2007. This test covers concepts of American democracy, U.S. history, and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. The newly standardized test eliminates variations across regional offices.

  • Additional training for volunteers and adult educators leading immigrants through the naturalization process. Web-based training covers U.S. government, civics education, and the naturalization process. Regional training conferences complement volunteers' online training.

  • The Department of Education offers a free, Web-based portal to help immigrants learn English. An investment in these tools will be repaid many times over in the contributions these immigrants make to our political discourse, economy, and society. Please visit www.usalearns.org.

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This page was last reviewed/modified on April 23, 2009.