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Immigration Policy: Guest-Workers


  • Department of Labor (DOL) Reforms to the H-2A Agricultural Seasonal Worker Program. DOL will reform the H-2A program so the agriculture industry can readily hire legal foreign workers. Interim Final Rule.

  • DOL regulations to streamline the H-2B program for non-agricultural seasonal workers. This program has proven very popular among seasonal industries, which frequently have a difficult time finding temporary workers. The proposed rule addresses processing delays by moving to an employer-attestation system.

  • The Department will extend the visa term for professional workers from Canada and Mexico to attract more of these talented workers to the United States. The roughly 65,000 workers who enter the United States each year on the Trade NAFTA visa will have their visa term extended from one to three years.

  • The Department of Homeland Security and The Department of Labor will study and report on potential administrative reforms to visa programs for highly skilled workers.

This page was last reviewed/modified on April 23, 2009.