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Database Documentation
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The database contains many fields of information which are well documented. We are providing four separate forms of documentation: a detailed description of each field and their histories; two tables used to convert field names, and a Federal Geographic Data Commitee (FGDC) compliant metadata document for use when data is presented on a map.

Detailed Ascii Field Description

Click here to download Adobe AcrobatTable1: Geologic Age Codes in the Database (table1.pdf: PDF format; used to convert SAMPFORMAGE and RevSAMPFORMAGE)

Table 2: Sample Collection Methods (table2.txt: TEXT format; used to convert Method to RevMETHOD)

Federal Geographic Data Commitee (FGDC) Compliant Metadata Document (HTML format; use when data is presented in map form)

DOWNLOAD all four documents in one zip file

Questions about the documentation should be forwarded to George Breit.


U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey
Maintained by: Central Energy Data Management
Last modified: 16:29:56 Tue 06 Aug 2002
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