I I 0 U& I B&B ImFmRmikriom & ImAmE MAkmki3mmENT 300 @oftoc M=st=L-S ROULXVARD Up'loca M,&RLXORM, M-ftWV"040 ZC'7'72 0 USA 0 CXCI) 24@lIC RMP South Dakota RM 000 67 JULY/AUGUST 1974 REVIEW CYCLE The May 1 application was approved by NAC in amount requested: $729,417. Funding Decision: $693,070 Program Staff: 290,000 10 Projects: 403,070 4 continuing 6 new PSRO-reldted project to be funded by-FSRO organization. f Application: This application requests $88,850 for the support of two program staff components ($34,700) and 3 @new" projects ($54,150). The staff activities involve the coordination of community health education. systems and core curriculum monitoring. The proposed activities will permit the South Dakota Program to further pursue its objectives related to manpower development and outreach to rural communities, which have limited resources. The projects are consistent with RMP-CHP objectives and congruent with their respective priorities. They are sufficiently limited in scope to be accomplished within the program year. MCO 7/15/74 C:) C) C:) ci CD C) r- to Lc) C) I ko CD P= CD @%D C) C\i Le) C) C) to -C) 'ID Lo ko C) C:l Lc) u-) (Z) (Z) :C:) ko 00, ce) Cj CD Lf) C%J CIJ LC) CO O's (V) CY) C=) C%i -c; C-)'m to cr) C=) C%J CD C%i C) 00 CY,) LC) L@r) (,n cv) C%j cli CY) OC) 0 C-) C%J CD C%j 44 o o o -t P4 0 a 0 a C%s 0 N tn 0 a o O 0 0 In Ul% 0 a0 'O .4 ui tn 4 C-4 C,4 r4 LA o 0% CO0 O'm m 00 0 aCy m LU V4 r4 in In m CO q C,4 CL. 00 tA tn 0 ui tum ce Cy V4 C3 ui z cc -t 'O 00 .0 o o o N 'oo a C) 0 U-t in 0 00 .0 L) .0 W% 0 0 -4 0It 0 U%0 0 0 C)o 0 r4 LU LU tn C,4 0 C4 C-4 U.$ cn CO N CO0 m m lb ce 0 C,4 " C)f 0% N M %O z 4 z 0 03 t4 a ul t cn m N(4 4 Nt f C) -C 1-4 z C3 U. 0 ui r- Z ui ui z QC ce t4 de 1-4 z m fA F- 0 tu 1: ce tu (3 > > CC tu LU ce (A LU CL ui f4 :a z ui uj ti Oa 4i u, CC 14 z ui 4c us (3 cc ui uj z Z. tn w tL LU ui t- >c oe ce x 0 fA (L LU 3: w ui ui VI I- -( L4 0 3: 4c tm 0 = :c F- i- C) u -i cc -Z. LUt > CD 0. Z ui rA t-I I Cc cc -i LU x i tu LU L'i X a (D 0 U) tu 44 LLI LU !9 > u tu U) Ui z cc cc > LLI z 'A tL W X -C w k- tu ce ce LU VD (A 11 . 09 w (A ix tu LL cc L4 -K z 0. 0 u 0 -C CC t- -C z " x o 0 LL ce ui :3c -A -C. 0 CL ui z U. = =) (L t- t- zr- u 0 I- .4 C4 x tn ui I- C3 I- Z. -A 2: =) z ix >- a. w cm -i tL -t x o a cj z z r4 tu Z tn x :3 " u . Lu 0 tu 0 P4 te cc -J >. . " 0 u zn w ui LU X ce ea u x ce ce tu I- u c L4 I- ui,z :3 P4 Cie W) ' X CL (A z CC n m a x w 0 ;0 W. ui #A CA: UA CD tu 2: -K 2: ui 44 cc U) L) CL ?A z -c r CL ce U cc CO r4 CY C,4 x 0 0 .4 tn IL CL o -t ; 0 a. r4 f4 c%i w% oV4 r4 0 z 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) u U tj u u U .'U Ai tjU0 0 ut C3 tu CL 3c 0 SOUTH DAKOTA lzi4p )fit 00('@7 I,IAY/JLI:,']-" 1971@ AL7-- Coii,iiiJ L L ll(@ II(llt i C) II: -$7-Z9 .41 7 ov (! I-,-, i ir: L@ iiic! I i t@ 1) i n (I i V i (I Lll I r c-@ v i c,w c, r s ---SU-P-ERI-OL- Its goals and objectives appear to be achievable. q rich: The joint RAG and CHP Advisory Council provide primary strength in leadership and in support of a small, capable staff. Program proposals are considered well defined and priorities well meshed. With regard to Indian involvement, several staff activities conducted on Indian Reservations, were proposed by Indian RAG members. Cooperation is commendable, as is the participation of the Grantee institution in program implementation. Quality assurance activities are continuations of two program staff initiatives directed at developing guidelines for use in establishing PSRO criteria and the identification of continuing medical education needs of @lDs. Tkese are 'p'roposed to be'assumed by the SD Med. Care Foundation which will be the State PSRO when funds are available. The Medical Genetics service began as a developmental activity under program staff funding,'and will be the only one in the State. Its focus is on identification of birth defects, to improve diagnoses and establish referral systems. It would be managed in conjunction with training in chromosome analysis, while other sources of support are being sought. JUI,Y/AUCIIST RE\Tll-'Ilq Estim.)L(!(l request as of May 1974: $150,000 MCO 6/4/74 NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL - June 13-14, 1974 Council concurred with Committee recommendation. DRMP funding decision 693,070 MCO 7/2/74