t @ so B&B lt4Fm;tmjk-rior4 & ImAmE M^t4^=EmEpIT 300 @lotac Mmstnc*n sou ^no UPROMENT MAORLBD$too Pk4AIt 040 Z077Z 0 Us^ 0 Emo II 2410-01 10 Northlands Regional @ledical Program P34 #00021 JULY/.NUGUST 1974 REVIE-IV: ApT)lic ation: This application requests a total of $634,419. Of - this total, $lSO,000 is contractual services, as a part of the program staff component, in the areas of Health Education., Quality Assurance and Hypertension. Support is requested for 16 new proposals($484,419). In announcing opportunities to compete for funds for the 10-nionth period, 9/l/74-6/30/7S, the region limited the proposers requests to pilot programs in the areas of lie@Lltli Education, Quality Assurance and @pertensioii. Of the 16 new approved proposals, 10 are in Health Education, 3 in Quality Assura,-lce and 3 in Hypertension.- Althouah the region has already had input on the original proposals from the Health Planning Agencies, the aT review @d co,-ment on the proposals as finally approved by the Revieiz/'Nlonitoring Comittee were not received in time to be included in this application. The CHP review and coment will be fonvrrded, hopefully, in time for review by the Review Committee. At the time of the @y Review, members of the Review Committee noted that the region had basically failed to tie the May 1 application to the re3zional pro@ram. Since receipt of the current application, DPLNT has received an add@ndum which addresses this point. Because of the limited supply, these have been included only in the primary and secondary reviewers materials. D@IP/ OD/7-15-74 JULY COINI\IITTEE RECONMNDATION ritique: 'qAL @EDICAL PROGRANI NORNEANDS RFGIO@ izm 00021 MAY/JU,NE- 1974 REVIEIV Request: $1,889,395 Committee Recommendation: $1,700,000 Overall Assessment by Individual Reviewers: Below Average/Average Critique: The past performance for this region has been excellent, with internal management considered to be one of their greatest strengths. Historically Northlands @ffl has been using a contract mechanism to increase extramural participation. The region is continuing this approach via the active involvement of the various committees of RAG. These funds have been used for the most part a@-seed monies 'of short duration to study and develop new approaches to the delivery of health care for the constituents of N@P. The region has been successful in the past in finding other sources of funding after termination of DR@n3 support. As of June 30, 1973, the Program Coordinator left and the Deputy Director was appointed to his position. The past Coordinator has remained active on a-voluntary basis in terms of providing advice and counsel. Prior to the phaseout this program had an adequately experienced program staff. Folloi)Tinc, the rescinding of the phase-out order, the Board decided to retain a small nucleus of program staff personnel and purchase by contract the various consultants that would be needed. This created concern with the reviewers as to the adequacy of staff in terms of fiscal and program monitoring of the various activities proposed. In spite of the past record on local support,, concern was expressed by the reviewers relative to the generation of local support for the proposed AHEC'S. The reviewers felt that good work had been done in terms of the development of a program call the Foundation for Health Care Evaluation., but expressed concern as to whether existing staff could properly guide and monitor such a program, and (expressed concern) as t-o the need for further information on this program. The reviewers generally expressed a concern for the lack of specificity in the programs presented. To reiterate, the reviewers expressed concern relative to staffing, lack of activity in primary care, possible funding in the PSRO area. The above concerns were considered in arriving at a recommendation by the Committee. In this application the region has requested funds to support the initial staffing of two CHP "bl' agencies. JULY/AUGUST REVIEW Estimated Request as of May 1974: $600,000 SCOB/DR4p 6/6/74 NOR'N MMDS @iP NATIONAL,ADVISORY COUINCIL: June 13-14., 1974 Council concurred with Committee recommendation. D@ff) FUNDING DECISIO',q: $1.,615,289 SCOB/D@IP 7/2/74