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Proximity Detection Single Source Page

Proximity Detection

Geosteering Mining Services Proximity Detection

Geosteering Mining Services (GMS) and Gamma Services International (GSI) have been involved in a joint venture for the last six years, developing the Geosteering control system for continuous miners and longwalls. GMS and GSI started working on a proximity system called TramGuard TM in September 2004. The proximity system is based on the technology developed by NIOSH during the development of the HASARD system. The prototype hardware designs that were used for the HASARD system has been converted into designs suitable for implementation on underground mining equipment. Geosteering has applied for a patent on their new system design.

TramguardTM Underground Proximity Detection

TramguardTM is a proximity-based system that will achieve the MSHA goal, by establishing a Magnetic Marker Field around continuous mining machine, which will be detected by Personal Alarm Devices (PAD) worn by mining personnel. The PAD will warn the operator or other miners with an audible sound and a display mounted on the continuous mining machine will visually warn the miners, to help keep them outside the turning radius of the continuous mining machine. One goal of the system is to help train operators and other miners to stay clear of the hazards around the continuous mining machine. If the continuous mining machine is closer to a miner than a specified distance, the TramguardTM system will stop the continuous mining machine tram motors and the hydraulic booms.

The system completed a successful field trial at Consol of Kentucky Inc.'s Jones Fork E-3 Mine. During this field test, the system provided consistent warning and shutdown commands and effectively prevented an operator wearing a personal alarm device from entering the hazardous area around the machine. The system components have been approved by MSHA as complying with the applicable provisions of Title 30 Code of Federal Regulations (30 CFR) Part 18.

GMS is currently developing a revision to the MSHA approved TramguardTM design to incorporate the PAD into a cap lamp battery. The revised design has not yet received MSHA approval. Contacts:

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