United States Senate
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United States Senate
State Information
Senate Leadership

U.S. Senators from Arizona:
Name Dates of Service
Class 1
Henry Fountain Ashurst (D)
Ernest W. McFarland (D)
Barry M. Goldwater (R)
Paul J. Fannin (R)
Dennis W. DeConcini (D)
Jon Kyl (R)

Name Dates of Service
Class 3
Marcus A. Smith (D)
Ralph H. Cameron (R)
Carl T. Hayden (D)
Barry M. Goldwater (R)
John McCain (R)

Senate Service
Longest Service (24 years or more):
Carl T. Hayden
Barry M. Goldwater
Henry F. Ashurst
Arizona Senators Who Served in Leadership Positions
President Pro Tempore: Carl Hayden

Party Conference Chairmen (& Floor Leaders): Ernest W. McFarland, Jon Kyl

Party Policy Committee Chairman: Ernest W. McFarland, Jon Kyl

Standing Committee Chairs Since 1947:

Appropriations: Carl Hayden

Armed Services: Barry M. Goldwater

Commerce, Science and Transportation: John McCain

Indian Affairs: John McCain

Rules and Administration: Carl Hayden

Arizona Citizens Honored in the Capitol's Art Collection
Statuary: John Campbell Greenway by Gutzon Borglum, located in Statuary Hall; Father Eusebio Francisco Kino by Suzanne Silvercruys, located in the Hall of Columns.

Paintings: Fort Defiance, Arizona by Seth Eastman, located in the Center section, first floor, west corridor.


Party Abbreviations

Key to Political Party Abbreviations

Statuary Hall Collection

The National Statuary Hall Collection in the U.S. Capitol has statues donated by individual states.  Learn more about your state's statues.

Architect's Statuary Hall Web page

State Resources Web Sites

The Library of Congress maintains a State and Local Government Resource Page.

The National Council of State Legislatures list of State Legislature Web Sites.

State election results must be certified by the State's Secretary.  The National Association of Secretaries of State maintains a list of their web sites.