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3rd District Site of the Week
Congressman Vern Ehlers
Welcome from Congressman Ehlers

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Congressman Vern Ehlers Signature
Vernon J. Ehlers
Member of Congress

Latest News for Congressman Vern Ehlers

Legislation to Fight Scleroderma Introduced by Reps. Ehlers, Capps
- WASHINGTON – To help find better treatments and a cure for the debilitating disease Scleroderma, Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers today introduced the Scleroderma ...Read more of the press release.

Ehlers Co-Chairs House Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucus
- WASHINGTON – As a long-time environmentalist and advocate for responsible and sustainable energy use, Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers recently took the position of ...Read more of the press release.

In White House Meeting, Ehlers Discusses Health Care, Energy, Autos with Obama
- WASHINGTON – In a meeting today at the White House, Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers, and other Republican Members of Congress, discussed health care, ...Read more of the press release.

Ehlers to Co-Chair National Service Caucus
- GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – Public service is of critical importance to our nation’s strength and security. Volunteers help provide social services, build housing, ...Read more of the press release.

Patient Safety Legislation to Keep Violent Offenders Out of Care Facilities
- WASHINGTON – Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers is the lead Republican cosponsor of legislation to prevent violent offenders from working in long-term care facilities ...Read more of the press release.

Sites of Interest from Congressman Vern Ehlers
Congressman Vern Ehlers
Photo Gallery from Congressman Vern Ehlers
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Congressman Vern Ehlers