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Chris Lee brings to Washington two decades of experience in the private sector, where he gained a first-hand understanding of the tough decisions businesses face every day and helped create hundreds of good-paying jobs for Western New Yorkers. This is his first term representing New York's 26th Congressional District.

Chris’s priorities in Congress include strong constituent service, putting Western New Yorkers back to work, holding Washington accountable for every dollar it spends, and seeking out long-term solutions for our energy and health care challenges.

A day after being sworn-in, Chris was appointed by House leaders to serve on the influential House Committee on Financial Services. Congressman Lee fought for a seat on the sought-after panel to ensure Western New Yorkers were represented on the front lines of efforts to create jobs, protect taxpayers, aid homeowners and right our economy.

Congressman Lee recently told the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, "I'm hopeful that with my background in business and the private sector that I can add some meaningful ideas about a new direction for this country. It boils down to putting people back to work and finding ways to spend taxpayers' dollars wisely."

Chris acquired his business expertise working in his family’s manufacturing business, which he helped build from a small machine shop into a thriving enterprise with more than 20 companies worldwide. The flagship company, Enidine Incorporated, was based in Orchard Park, New York.
After joining Enidine in 1995, Chris focused on significantly expanding the company’s market reach, holding the positions of Pacific Rim Sales Manager, Director of International Sales and Marketing, and General Manager. In 2003, he was named President of the Automation Group, a division of Enidine.

Chris has also played a significant role in the work of the Patrick P. Lee Foundation. This family-led charitable organization is primarily dedicated to promoting awareness, prevention, and research of cancer and mental illness. According to The Buffalo News, the foundation is the second largest of its kind in Western New York.

Chris Lee was born in Kenmore, New York and was raised in Tonawanda, New York. After graduating from Kenmore East High School, Chris attended the University of Rochester, where he earned a bachelor's degree in economics and finance. He went on to receive his MBA at Chapman University in Orange, California.

Chris and his wife, Michele, reside in Clarence, New York, and have one young son, Johnathan.
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