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Great Seal Visits to the U.S. by Foreign Heads of State and Government--1965


Date Visitor Country Description
January 12-14, 1965 Prime Minister Sato Japan Official visit. In U.S. January 9-16, visiting Honolulu (Hawaii), San Francisco, New York City, and Los Angeles.
January 15-16, 1965 Prime Minister Pearson Canada Informal visit at LBJ Ranch (Texas). Signed agreement on trade in automotive products.
March 29-31, 1965 President Yameogo Upper Volta State visit. In U.S. March 28-April 7. Also visited Williamsburg (Virginia), Los Angeles, Fresno (California), San Francisco, Springfield (Illinois), and New York City.
April 19-22, 1965 Prime Minister Moro Italy Official visit. In U.S. April 19-23. Visited New York City.
April 3, 1965 Prime Minister Pearson Canada Informal visit at Camp David (Maryland).
May 17-19, 1965 President Park Korea State visit. In U.S. May 16-26, visited Williamsburg (Virginia), New York City, West Point (New York), Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), Cape Kennedy (Florida), and Los Angeles.
June 4, 1965 Chancellor Erhard Germany, Federal Republic of Informal visit. Arrived in U.S. May 31; visited New York City.
June 6-9, 1965 Prime Minister Menzies Australia Informal visit. Afterwards visited New York City. Departed U.S. June 13.
July 6, 1965 Prime Minister Menzies Australia Met informally with President Johnson while returning from Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference in London.
December 14-16, 1965 President Ayub Khan Pakistan State visit. Arrived in U.S. December 12; visited New York City.
December 16-18, 1965 Prime Minister Wilson United Kingdom Informal visit. In U.S. December 15-19, visiting New York City and Philadelphia (Pennsylvania).
December 19-21, 1965 Chancellor Erhard Germany, Federal Republic of Informal visit.

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