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Great Seal Visits to the U.S. by Foreign Heads of State and Government--1962


Date Visitor Country Description
February 5-6, 1962 Prime Minister Adoula Congo (Leopoldville) (Zaire) Informal visit. Afterwards visited New York City. Departed U.S. February 8.
February 13-14, 1962 King Saud Saudi Arabia Informal visit. Arrived in U.S. November 22, 1961 for medical treatment in Boston; also visited Palm Beach.
March 13-15, 1962 President Ahidjo Cameroon Presidential guest. Afterwards visited New York City. Departed U.S. March 18.
March 20-22, 1962 President Olympio Togo Presidential guest. In the U.S. March 19-30, visiting New York City, Niagara Falls (New York), and the Virgin Islands.
April 3-5, 1962 President Goulart Brazil Official visit. Afterwards visited New York City, Omaha (Nebraska), and Chicago. Departed U.S. April 8.
April 11-14, 1962 Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi Iran State visit at Washington and Onslow Beach (North Carolina). In U.S. April 10-18, visiting Cape Canaveral (Florida), Fort Bragg (North Carolina), and New York City.
April 27-29, 1962 Prime Minister Macmillan United Kingdom Informal visit. Arrived in U.S. April 25; visiting New York City.
May 2-4, 1962 Chancellor Gorbach Austria Informal visit. Afterwards visited New York City. Departed U.S. May 5.
May 9-11, 1962 Prime Minister Gerhardsen Norway Presidential guest. In U.S. May 8-18, visiting Cape Canaveral and St. Augustine (Florida), and New York City.
May 22-25, 1962 President Houphouet-Boigny Ivory Coast State visit. Private visit to New York City May 5-15. Later visited Boston (Massachusetts), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), and New York City. Departed U.S. May 29.
June 5-7, 1962 President Makarios Cyprus Presidential guest. In U.S. June 2-9, visiting Boston and New York City.
June 12-14, 1962 President Chiari Panama Official visit. In U.S. June 11-16, visiting Miami (Florida), Williamsburg (Virginia), and New York City.
June 17-20, 1962 Prime Minister Menzies Australia Informal visit. In the U.S. June 14-21; visited New York City and San Francisco.
June 23-27, 1962 President-elect Valencia Colombia Informal visit. In U.S. June 20-July 28, visiting New York City and Baltimore (Maryland); obtained medical treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
July 23-24, 1962 President Arosemena Ecuador Official visit. In U.S. July 22-29, visiting Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), Chicago, and New York City.
July 26-30, 1962 Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma Laos Official visit. Later visited Philadelphia and New York City. Departed U.S. July 31.
September 19-22, 1962 President Kayibanda Rwanda Informal visit while attending UN General Assembly.
September 24, 1962 President Ayub Khan Pakistan Informal meeting at Newport (Rhode Island). Afterwards visited Washington and New York City. Departed U.S. September 27.
September 24-26, 1962 Prime Minister Menzies Australia Informal visit while attending UN General Assembly.
September 27-28, 1962 Prime Minister Holyoake New Zealand Informal visit while attending UN General Assembly.
October 10, 1962 President Toure Guinea Informal visit. In U.S. October 9-12; visited New York City.
October 14-15, 1962 Prime Minister Ben Bella Algeria Informal visit to Washington while attending UN General Assembly session. Arrived in U.S. October 9. First foreign leader to receive a welcoming ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House.
October 22-23, 1962 Prime Minister Obote Uganda Presidential guest.
November 13-16, 1962 Chancellor Adenauer Germany, Federal Republic of Informal visit.
November 27-29, 1962 Prime Minister Abdirascid Somalia Presidential guest. In U.S. November 25-December 2, visiting New York City, Philadelphia, and San Juan.
November 30- December 1, 1962 President Villeda Morales Honduras Informal visit. In U.S. November 29-December 5. Also visited Williamsburg, and made a private visit to Miami.
December 11-13, 1962 President Alessandri Chile Presidential guest. In U.S. December 10-17, visiting Miami (Florida), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), and New York City.

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