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Great Seal Visits to the U.S. by Foreign Heads of State and Government--1960


Date Visitor Country Description
January 17-21, 1960 Prime Minister Kishi Japan Informal visit. Signed Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security January 19. In U.S. January 16-23.
March 9-13, 1960 Prime Minister Ben-Gurion Israel Unofficial visit. In U.S. March 8-16; visited Boston (Massachusetts) and New York City
March 15-17, 1960 Chancellor Adenauer Germany, Federal Republic of Informal meeting with President Eisenhower en route to Japan. In U.S. March 12-23, visiting New York City, Los Angeles, Palm Desert (California), San Francisco, and Honolulu (Hawaii).
March 26-29, 1960 Prime Minister Macmillan United Kingdom At Washington and at Camp David (Maryland) to discuss nuclear test negotiations.
April 5-8, 1960 President Lleras Colombia State visit at Washington and at Camp David (Maryland) In U.S. April 4-17, visiting Charleston (South Carolina), Hot Springs and Roanoke (Virginia), New York City, and Miami.
April 22-26, 1960 President de Gaulle France State visit. Addressed U.S. Congress April 25. Afterwards visited New York City, San Francisco, and New Orleans (Louisiana). Departed U.S. April 29.
April 27-30, 1960 King Mahendra Nepal Official visit. Addressed U.S. Congress April 28. In U.S. April 25-June 1. Also visited Mexico (May 16-18) and Canada (May 25-28). U.S. travel included Honolulu (Hawaii), New York City, Knoxville (Tennessee), Salem and Eugene (Oregon), San Francisco, Los Angeles, Albuquerque (New Mexico), Dallas (Texas), Miami, and Detroit (Michigan).
June 3-4, 1960 Prime Minister Diefenbaker Canada Official visit to Washington.
June 28- July 2, 1960 King Bhumibol Thailand State visit. In U.S. June 14-July 14, visited Honolulu (Hawaii), Los Angeles, Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), Williamsburg (Virginia), New York City, Boston (Massachusetts), Knoxville (Tennessee), Colorado Springs (Colorado), Yellowstone Park (Wyoming), and San Francisco.
July 27-29, 1960 Prime Minister Lumumba Congo (Leopoldville) (Zaire) Met with Secretary of State Herter while in U.S. to meet with the UN Secretary-General.
September 22, 1960 President Nkrumah Ghana Met with President Eisenhower in New York City while attending UN General Assembly session.
September 22, 1960 Premier Koirala Nepal Met with President Eisenhower in New York City while attending UN General Assembly session.
September 22, 1960 Premier Salaam Lebanon Met with President Eisenhower in New York City while attending UN General Assembly session.
September 22, 1960 President Tito Yugoslavia Met with President Eisenhower in New York City while attending UN General Assembly session.
September 23, 1960 President Olympio Togo Met with President Eisenhower in New York City while attending UN General Assembly session.
September 26, 1960 Prime Minister Nehru India Met with President Eisenhower in New York City while attending UN General Assembly session.
September 26, 1960 President Nasser Egypt Met with President Eisenhower in New York City while attending UN General Assembly session.
September 27, 1960 Prime Minister Macmillan United Kingdom Met with President Eisenhower in New York City while attending UN General Assembly session.
September 27, 1960 Premier & Prince Sihanouk CambodiaMet with President Eisenhower in New York City while attending UN General Assembly session.
September 27, 1960 Prime Minister Diefenbaker Canada Met with President Eisenhower in New York City while attending UN General Assembly session.
October 1-2, 1960 Prime Minister Macmillan United Kingdom Met with President Eisenhower; discussed East-West disarmament talks.
October 1-2, 1960 Prime Minister Menzies Australia Met with President Eisenhower; discussed East-West disarmament talks.
October 6, 1960 President Sukarno Indonesia Met with President Eisenhower in Washington while attending UN General Assembly.
October 7, 1960 King Hussein Jordan Met with President Eisenhower in Washington while attending UN General Assembly.
October 8, 1960 Prime Minister Balewa Nigeria Met with President Eisenhower in Washington while attending UN General Assembly.
October 11-14, 1960 King Frederik IX Denmark State visit. In U.S. October 4-17, visiting Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, and Albany (New York).
October 25-28, 1960 Prime Minister Rahman Malaya Official visit. Afterwards visited Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), San Francisco, Akron (Ohio), and New York City. Departed U.S. November 6.

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