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Great Seal Visits to the U.S. by Foreign Heads of State and Government--1956


Date Visitor Country Description
January 5-6, 1956 President-elect Kubitschek Brazil Met with President Eisenhower at Key West (Florida) and with other officials in Washington. Afterwards visited New York City. Departed U.S. January 9.
January 30- February 3, 1956 Prime Minister Eden United Kingdom Met with President Eisenhower, addressed U.S. Congress, and issued Joint Declaration on common principles.
February 27- March 2, 1956 President Gronchi Italy State visit. Addressed U.S. Congress February 29. Afterwards visited Norfolk (Virginia), Detroit (Michigan), San Francisco, and New York City. Visited Canada March 3-5. Departed U.S. March 14.
March 14-17, 1956 Prime Minister Costello Ireland Afterwards visited New York City, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), and New Haven (Connecticut). Departed U.S. March 29.
March 26-28, 1956 President Ruiz Cortines Mexico Attended a Heads of Government meeting in White Sulphur Springs (West Virginia).
March 26-28, 1956 Prime Minister St. Laurent Canada Attended a Heads of Government meeting in White Sulphur Springs (West Virginia).
May 16-18, 1956 President Sukarno Indonesia State visit. Addressed U.S. Congress May 17. Afterwards visited Charlottesville (Virginia), Annapolis (Maryland), New York City, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), Springfield (Illinois), Detroit (Michigan), the Grand Canyon (Arizona), Los Angeles, Salt Lake City (Utah), and Niagara Falls (New York). Departed U.S. June 3.
June 11-13, 1956 Chancellor Adenauer Germany, Federal Republic of In U.S. June 9-15, visiting New York City, New Haven(Connecticut), Chicago and Milwaukee (Wisconsin). Departed U.S. June 15.
July 31- August 5, 1956 Prime Minister Menzies Australia Unofficial visit following Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference in London. In New York City July 21-26.
September 14-15, 1956 Prime Minister Menzies Australia Discussed the Suez Crisis with President Eisenhower and senior U.S. officials.
October 11, 1956 Prince Rainier III Monaco Unofficial courtesy call. In U.S. September 13- November 7, visiting New York City, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), and Atlantic City (New Jersey).
November 15, 1956 Prime Minister Karamanlis Greece Met with U.S. officials while attending a UN General Assembly session.
December 16-20, 1956 Prime Minister Nehru India Official visit at Washington and Gettysburg (Pennsylvania).

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