U.S. Census Bureau

USGS Databases

blue ballInterested in Metadata? Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) National Atlas

Data for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) database came from the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) and the National Atlas of the United States®.

Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Features
The GNIS contains the official federally recognized geographic names for all known places, features, and areas in the United States that are identified by a proper name. Each feature is located by State, county, and geographic coordinates; and referenced to the appropriate 1:24,000-scale U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic map in which it is shown. The feature class terms and abbreviations currently consist of nine or fewer letters and were chosen for computer search and retrieval purposes. They do not necessarily represent terminology for the identification of all kinds of cultural and natural features. Please refer to APPENDIX C to view the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) feature class definitions.

Selected Federal Lands from the USGS National Atlas
Selected Federal Lands were taken from the USGS National Atlas of the United States. The National Atlas is intended to provide a comprehensive, map-like view into the enormous wealth of data collected by the Federal Government. Information on the Federal Lands included in LandView® 6 as well as metadata can be found on the National Atlas site.

Note: Only those GNIS records with actual latitude/longitude coordinates have been included in LandView 6. Those records without spatial coordinates (less than 3 percent of the total GNIS database) can still be found on the GNIS Web site.

Individual Feature Layers
Airports Cemeteries Churches Hospitals Populated Places

Land Features
ArchBench Flat Levee Slope
Area Bend Gap PillarSummit
Bar Cape Island PlainValley
Basin Cliff Isthmus RangeWoods
Beach Crater Lava Ridge

Man-Made Features
BuildingDam Locale Mine Oilfield

Miscellaneous Features
CivilForest Military (historical only) OtherPark
Post Office Reserve

Transportation Features
Bridge Crossing Trail Tunnel

Water Features
Arroyo Falls GutRapids Spring
BayGeyser Harbor ReservoirStream
Canal GlacierLake SeaSwamp

For questions or comments regarding the Geographic Information Names System (GNIS) contact: gnis_manager@usgs.gov

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