U.S. Census Bureau

Predefined Census Data Queries

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Users should note that after selecting a particular state in the state tab and then clicking on another geographic level tab (Indian areas, places, counties, etc.), the LandView® program will automatically create a collection of records for that geographic level within that state. For example, clicking on the "Tracts" tab after selecting Oklahoma will create a collection of all census tracts within the state.

The resulting collection is identified in the Status Area as a Found Set. This navigational method emulates the 'Setup a Find' process at any level of Census geography that would require entering appropriate State and/or County identifiers.

Because not all states have Indian Areas, consolidated cities, or minor civil divisions, a explanatory message will appear whenever the query finds no records in that geographic level.

Similarly, LandView will automatically create a collection of MCDs, census tracts and block groups if these tabs are selected after a county has been selected.

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