U.S. Census Bureau

Setup A Find


Setup A Find

Finding specific records in the database is very easy. You first setup the find operation by first clicking on the Setup A Find button and then simply entering your desired selection criteria in one or more of the database fields. When all criteria have been entered, click on the Find button that appears on the gray panel on the left side of the display screen. The selection criteria entered in the fields are collectively referred to as a Search Request and can be combined with a Boolean AND when the Find button is clicked. For numeric fields, you can use symbols before the number, such as < (less than), <= (less than or equal to), > (greater than), >= (greater than or equal to).
NOTE:  Any field with a drop-down menu button beside it will display a list of possible values for that field when the button is clicked.

The Boolean OR

Sometimes you need to find records by combining criteria with a logical or Boolean OR operation. Since each set of criteria is treated as a separate Search Request, a Boolean OR is made by simply adding new Search Requests. To add a new Search Request, first click on the Requests pull-down menu at the top of the display screen, and then choose the Add New Request option from this menu to enter a new set of selection criteria. You may add as many new Search Requests as needed. When all of the Search Requests have been entered, click on the Find button that appears on the gray panel on the left side of the display screen to complete the find operation.

For multi-field searches, using Duplicate Request from the Requests menu is a time-saver over using Add New Request. Only the changed data needs to be edited.

Additional Operators

There are additional operators or symbols that may be used in setting up the find operation. These additional operators can be found by clicking on the Symbols button to display the complete list. To use an operator, first place your cursor in one of the fields on the display screen and then simply click on the desired operator. Once the operator is in the desired field, click on the button that appears on the gray panel on the left side of the display screen to perform the corresponding find.
NOTE:  If you want to find all the records that have been omitted based on your search criteria, simply click in the Omit check box prior to clicking the Find button.

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