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Water Resources of Washington State - Publications

Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5210

Water, Ice, and Meteorological Measurements at South Cascade Glacier, Washington, Balance Year 2003

By William R. Bidlake, Edward G. Josberger, and Mark E. Savoca


Winter snow accumulation and summer snow and ice ablation were measured at South Cascade Glacier, Washington, to estimate glacier mass-balance quantities for balance year 2003. The 2003 glacier-average maximum winter snow balance was 2.66 meters water equivalent, which was about equal to the average of such balances for the glacier since balance year 1959. The 2003 glacier summer balance (-4.76 meters water equivalent) was the most negative reported for the glacier, and the 2003 net balance (-2.10 meters water equivalent), was the second-most negative reported. The glacier 2003 annual (water year) balance was -1.89 meters water equivalent.

The area of the glacier near the end of the balance year was 1.89 square kilometers, a decrease of 0.03 square kilometer from the previous year. The equilibrium-line altitude was higher than any part of the glacier; however, because snow remained along part of one side of the upper glacier, the accumulation-area ratio was 0.07. During September 13, 2002-September 13, 2003, the glacier terminus retreated at a rate of about 15 meters per year. Average speed of surface ice, computed using a series of vertical aerial photographs dating back to 2001, ranged from 2.2 to 21.8 meters per year.

Runoff from the subbasin containing the glacier and from an adjacent non-glacierized basin was gaged during part of water year 2003. Air temperature, precipitation, atmospheric water-vapor pressure, wind speed, and incoming solar radiation were measured at selected locations on and near the glacier. Summer 2003 at the glacier was among the warmest for which data are available.


Study Methods
Results and Discussion
Summary and Conclusions
References Cited

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Send questions or comments about this report to the authors, W.R. Bidlake, (253) 428-3600 ext. 2641, E.G. Josberger, (253) 428-3600 ext. 2643, and M.E. Savoca, (253) 428-3600 ext. 2660.

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