Statement on President Karzai's Decree

Robert Wood
Acting Department Spokesman,  Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
February 28, 2009

The United States has seen President Karzai’s decree calling on the Independent Elections Commission to consider arrangements for elections that would be both consistent with all relevant articles of the Constitution and all relevant laws and ensure that the process be free, fair transparent and open, with the assistance of International Security Assistance Forces and the international community.

The United States supports the underlying principles articulated by President Karzai and reiterates its view that elections in August, as proposed by the Independent Elections Commission, is the best means to assure every Afghan citizen would be able to express his or her political preference in a secure environment.

Afghanistan requires an orderly, open and democratic process that ensures continuity of government through the election period to maintain political stability. The United States urges all parties to work together toward these goals, which the United States supports. In this process, the United States will neither support nor oppose any individual candidate.

PRN: 2009/179