Congressman David Wu's home page

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May 7, 2009
Wu Seeks WWII and Vietnam Veterans for Congressional Honor

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today Congressman David Wu announced that he will recognize the contributions of World War II and Vietnam War veterans living in Oregon’s 1st Congressional District by presenting them with certificates of Special Congressional Recognition. » read more

April 28, 2009
Wu: 100 Days and $2.3 Billion for Oregon

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman David Wu announced today that during President Obama’s first 100 days in office, Oregon secured or became eligible for nearly $2.3 billion to revitalize the economy, including $382 million in new funds that were released today for K-12 education. » read more

April 10, 2009
Wu Announces Military Academy Appointments

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today Congressman David Wu announced that eleven students from his congressional district have received appointments to military academies as members of the class of 2013.  Each of these students was awarded a nomination from Congressman Wu and succeeded in completing the relevant academy’s rigorous application process. » read more

March 22, 2009
Wu Receives Nancy Russell Courage Award

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Friends of the Columbia Gorge honored Congressman David Wu at its annual meeting on Sunday, March 22, by presenting him with the first Nancy Russell Courage Award for his long-standing record of advocacy on behalf of the Columbia River Gorge. » read more

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Swine influenza, otherwise known as swine flu or the H1N1 flu, is a respiratory illness related to seasonal influenza.  This is a new strain of flu that consists of a mixture of genetic material from other influenza viruses and is believed to be passed from person to person.

The swine flu normally infects pigs, but has recently caused an outbreak among humans.  Please note that this is not an animal health or food safety issue.  U.S. pork and the American food supply are safe. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state health departments are working together to learn more about this infection, test those who are sick, treat confirmed cases, and prevent the spread of disease.  You should keep your family informed about the latest information on the swine flu and take everyday actions to stay healthy.

For the latest swine flu information, please visit the following websites:

You can also get the latest information via CDC e-mail updates or the CDC Twitter feed.


Part of my role as a member of Congress is to secure federal funds that would have been spent elsewhere for urgent needs in my district.  Each year I have the opportunity to submit requests for specific appropriations, or "earmarks," to fund projects that I think will provide substantial benefits to our communities.

I am proud of the important projects that I have been able to support over the years, and I am hopeful that many of this year's vital projects will receive funding.  To increase transparency in this important process and comply with House Appropriations Committee rules, I have posted all of my project funding requests online.

My fiscal year 2010 appropriations requests are available here.


Congressman Wu knows that the current economic crisis is hurting hard-working Oregonians.  If you are one of the many people who are on the brink of foreclosure, or you believe that you may have trouble paying your mortgage in the future, you have the best chance of staying in your home if you act now.  Too often, people facing foreclosure wait too long to seek the professional help necessary to avoid this crisis. 

Congress provides funds to housing counseling agencies throughout the country that help people stay in their homes.  These counseling agencies are approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the service is free.

You can access additional information on avoiding foreclosure, as well as contact information for HUD-approved counseling agencies, at the following websites:

  • HUD Guide to Avoiding Foreclosure — Through HUD’s online guide, you can find and contact your local housing agency to determine what free services are available to help you avoid foreclosure.

  • Homeowner Preservation Foundation — This nonprofit organization serves as a clearinghouse of national HUD-approved resources to help you avoid foreclosure.

Unfortunately, it is important to note that there are those who prey on people in crisis.  A number of fraudulent foreclosure prevention services and hotlines are attempting to portray their organizations as affiliated with honest efforts.  Seeking help is the most important thing you can do, but be sure to confirm that you are working with a HUD-approved counselor, such as those available via the above websites.

As always, you may call my office at 503-326-2901 for additional help or information.

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