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  • Welcome Message

    Thank you for visiting the World Wide Web Site for the 15th Congressional District of Illinois.  It is my hope that the information contained in these pages is helpful and informative to you.  Should you have any questions that this site cannot answer, please contact me at your convenience as my offices are here to serve you.

Press Releases

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Photo Gallery

Summer 2009 Interns

Summer 2009 Interns
Tim, his Chief of Staff Jerry Clarke, and the 2009 Summer interns.

Speaking in the District

Speaking in the District
Tim addressing a crowd back in Illinois. Constituents have always been Tim's focus.

Tim & State Rep. Dan Brady

Tim & State Rep. Dan Brady
Meeting with local leaders in Illinois and Washington helps keep Tim up to date with the district

Capitol Meeting

Capitol Meeting
Tim meeting with constituents in the Rayburn Room of the Capitol