How should America solve its energy crisis?
January 28, 2009 Thornberry Votes No on Massive Spending Bill
Says Congress Needs to Take Action to Encourage Job Creation
WASHINGTON, D.C. –Congressman Mac Thornberry (R-Clarendon) today issued the following statement after the House voted to pass H.R. 1, the economic stimulus bill.
January 21, 2009 Inauguration a Celebration of the Peaceful Transition of Power

“Agree When We Can and Disagree Respectfully When Necessary”

Washington, DC - The weather was cold but clear.  As I looked out into the crowd, searching for a familiar Texas face, I worried whether those who had traveled from our area to Washington were prepared for the cold and the crowds.  Tight security and long lines were everywhere amid a sea of people that was the largest crowd ever gathered on our national mall.

January 6, 2009 Thornberry Introduces His First Bill In New Congress

Says Ending “Death Tax” Key To Protecting Rural Economies

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Mac Thornberry (TX-13) today introduced the ‘‘Death Tax Repeal Act’’ a bill to permanently repeal the federal estate tax.  “Family owned businesses, farms and ranches are the foundation of the rural economy,” said Thornberry.  “As Congress debates new ideas on how to encourage economic growth we ought to follow the old maxim ‘first do no harm’ and make sure that the existing temporary reduction in the estate tax is not allowed to expire, returning the Death Tax rate to 55% on January 1, 2011.”

December 12, 2008

If a camel is a horse designed by committee, I can’t imagine what a car designed by a committee of politicians will look like.
by Congressman Mac Thornberry (TX-13)

The talk from Main Street coffee shops to the halls of Congress is now dominated by how to “save” or bailout various industries in the American economy.  Unfortunately, too much of this conversation is driven by a political need to do “something” regardless of whether that “something” will actually get the economy growing again.

October 3, 2008 Congress Passes Financial Stabilization Package
Congressman Thornberry Submits Statement to the Congressional Record
WASHINGTON, D.C. –Congressman Mac Thornberry (R-Clarendon) today submitted the following statement to the Congressional Record as Congress debated H.R.1424, the Financial Stabilization Package:
110th Congress

February 13, 2008
Mac supports the Protect America Act (FISA)
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