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Congressman Platts in Afghanistan.
Congressman Platts recently participated in a bipartisan Congressional Delegation trip focusing on the military, diplomatic and humanitarian efforts of U.S. troops and civilian personnel. This photo was taken during a briefing in Afghanistan.
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Platts E-Newsletter

Congress Returns to Debate Auto Bail-Out, Unemployment Benefits

During the month of November, Congress returned to session to debate whether taxpayers should provide an additional $25 billion in funds to the automobile industry. A $25 billion loan program already exists to help automobile companies develop more fuel-efficient vehicles.… »more


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Statement on House Passage of Economic Stimulus Legislation

(1/28/2009) Congress has a responsibility to work together on a bipartisan basis to address the economic crisis facing our country in a fiscally responsible manner that best protects American taxpayers, workers and small businesses. The $819 billion stimulus package passed today by the U.S. House of Representatives fails to achieve  Read full article»»

op ed

"All-of-the-Above" Energy Policy Needed

() Just over one month ago, citizens throughout our great country celebrated the 232nd anniversary of our nation’s birth on the 4th of July – Independence Day. Yet, as citizens gathered together at family picnics, attended patriotic concerts, and took in dazzling fireworks, skyrocketing energy prices – especially at the  Read full article»»

other news

Platts and Fattah Call for White House Conference on Children and Youth (1/22/2009)

U.S. House Adopts Platts Resolution to Promote the Martin Luther King Holiday as a National Day of Service (1/16/2009)

Congressman Platts Opens New Washington, D.C. Office (1/7/2009)

Platts Urges Participation in the Economic Stimulus Program (10/9/2008)


Statement on House Passage of Economic Stimulus Legislation (1/28/2009)

Statement on Events in Gaza (1/9/2009)

Statement on Proposed Economic Stimulus Plan (1/5/2009)

Statement on Congressman Todd Platts' Vote Against a $700 Billion Bail-Out of Wall Street (10/3/2008)

Statement on the Defeat of Legislation Authorizing a $700 Billion Bail-out of Wall Street (9/29/2008)

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