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Mike Thompson United States Congressman - First District of California
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Thank you for taking the time to visit the website of California's First Congressional District. Ours is one of the largest districts in the nation stretching from the San Francisco Bay Area up the North Coast to the Oregon Border. It is an honor to represent this incredible area in Congress. In order to address the needs of the District, there are offices in Napa, Fort Bragg, Eureka and Woodland.

Please use this website as your first resource for information on Congress, the constituent services offered and as a navigational tool to the federal government. If you need help breaking through the red tape of a federal agency or wish to express your opinion on an important federal issue, please take the time to contact us.

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1/22/2009   Ways and Means Committee Passes Recovery Legislation more

1/22/2009   Thompson Re-Introduces Bill to Give Airline Passengers Legal Rights more

1/16/2009   Congressman Thompson Responds to Bush Administration Proposal for Drilling more

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Strategy for ending the war in Iraq

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