navy blue background with an image of Rep. McMorris overlaying capitol dome The Fifth Congressional District of Washington
Representative Cathy McMorris
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$825 Billion Stimulus
Too Little, Too Late

The economy is the biggest issue facing Eastern Washington families, farmers and small businesses. Americans are concerned about keeping their jobs, their homes and they want Congress to act.

“Despite many good and positive aspects of this stimulus bill, I was not able to support today’s bill. It is once again too little, too late. >>read more

>>House Republican economic recovery principles

McMorris Rodgers to Lead Effort to Reform Earmarks

I've long believed the earmark process in Washington is broken. We must improve the way Washington spends your tax dollars.

That's why I am proud to be chairing the Earmark Reform Committee. Click here to learn more about the committee and to send me your thoughts on what needs to be done.

Earmark Reform in the News:

GOP's earmarks panel; a thoughtful effort...
Tri-City Herald
December 26, 2008

Republicans have chosen a careful, thoughtful legislator to lead their efforts to reform congressional earmarks -- Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington.

She is an excellent choice. >>read more

McMorris Rodgers Elected House GOP Conference Vice Chair

November 19, 2008
This is me explaining to the media my hopes for the future of the House Republican Conference shortly after I was elected Vice Chair.
“As a new mother and second youngest woman Member of Congress, my unique perspective will help our party as we build coalitions, redefine our agenda and develop and spread our party’s message,” McMorris Rodgers said. >>read more


McMorris Rodgers Making News

Read about Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers and her son
Cole in the April/May issue of "Northwest Woman" magazine.

Down Syndrome Caucus Launched

"It’s the goal of the Congressional Down Syndrome Caucus to allow every child with Down syndrome to reach their full potential. We’ll work to raise expectations and improve education, make it easier for people with Down syndrome to find jobs, and promote funding and research for effective treatments and therapies,” McMorris Rodgers said.

Click here to learn more about Down syndrome and the Congressional Down Syndrome Caucus.


McMorris Rodgers Introduces Family-Friendly Workplace Act
On May 13th,
Congresswoman Cathy McMorris introduced a bill that will give families the freedom to make choices that work best for them as well as meet the needs of our 21st century workforce.

Click here to read McMorris Rodgers' opinion article about Family-Friendly Workplace Act

Link to press release about Family-Friendly Workplace Act

Click here to for more information about the Family-Friendly Workplace Act and other workforce issues.

Click here to read an editorial from the Spokesman Review praising the Family-Friendly Workplace Act.

McMorris Rodgers Helps Develop New Agenda for American Families
On May 14th, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers and other women Members of Congress stood on the Capitol steps to unveil their new agenda “The American Families Agenda: Assuring the American Dream.”

“This agenda is focused on providing Eastern Washington families with solutions to the challenges they face,” McMorris Rodgers said.

Click here to read more, including an outline of the full agenda.

Click here for photos from the Capitol steps.