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    Job Losses Since the Start of the Democratic Majority here.

    Republican Alternative Legislation

    Supported by Congressman McCaul

    Click HERE to view several key strategies Congressman McCaul supports that he and House Republicans have developed as an alternative to Democrat legislation on major issues including the economy, energy and health care 


    Wasted Stimulus Dollars

    The Washington Watch Report is your one stop shop to learn about examples of government waste that have been uncovered by House Republicans. Right now we are focusing on the $780 billion stimulus bill enacted by the Democrat Majority and President Obama. Each week, we will be posting more waste and highlight a new featured item of the week.


    Republican Budget Plan

    Congressman McCaul supports The Pathway to American Prosperity, an alternative budget to the administration’s plan, that moves Americans toward prosperity without spending record amounts of taxpayer dollars and without increasing the tax burden on families and businesses.


    You only have to glance to the left on this page to see our soaring National Debt.  Under the President's proposed budget, the $34,000 debt per American will increase to $51,000 in ten years.  The Republican budget proposal brings spending and our debt under control, as seen in the graph below.



    Border Watch

    A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border

    By Congressman Michael McCaul 

    Congressman McCaul and House Republicans have proposed legislative alternatives to major Democratic initiatives, including efforts to rebuild the economy and achieve energy independence.

Press Releases

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